Who came up with Indigenous Peoples Day?


Who came up with Indigenous Peoples Day?

The idea was first proposed by Indigenous peoples at a United Nations conference in 1977 held to address discrimination against Natives, as NPR has reported. But South Dakota became the first state to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples day in 1989, officially celebrating it the following year.

Why is Columbus Day not celebrated?

For many Indigenous peoples, Columbus Day is a controversial holiday. This is because Columbus is viewed not as a discoverer, but rather as a colonizer. His arrival led to the forceful taking of land and set the stage for widespread death and loss of Indigenous ways of life.

Is Thanksgiving Indigenous Peoples Day?

Indigenous Peoples in America recognize Thanksgiving as a day of mourning. It is a time to remember ancestral history as well as a day to acknowledge and protest the racism and oppression which they continue to experience today.

How do you respectfully celebrate Thanksgiving?

8 Ways to Decolonize and Honor Native Peoples on Thanksgiving

  1. Learn the Real History.
  2. Decolonize Your Dinner.
  3. Listen to Indigenous Voices.
  4. #
  5. Celebrate Native People.
  6. Buy Native This Holiday.
  7. Share Positive Representations of Native People.
  8. End Racist Native Mascots in Sports.

Who established Thanksgiving?

In 1789, President George Washington became the first president to proclaim a Thanksgiving holiday, when, at the request of Congress, he proclaimed November 26, a Thursday, as a day of national thanksgiving for the U.S. Constitution.

When was Thanksgiving first created?

1621 (United States)Thanksgiving / Date of first occurrence
Historians long considered the first Thanksgiving to have taken place in 1621, when the Mayflower pilgrims who founded the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts sat down for a three-day meal with the Wampanoag.