What is meant by unreported?


What is meant by unreported?

Definition of unreported : kept private or hidden : not reported unreported income an incident that went largely unreported.

Is underreported one word?

un•der•re•port. to report as less or fewer than is correct.

Why do crimes go unreported?

Common reasons for individuals not reporting crime include fear of not being believed, insecurity, and fear of getting into trouble. These reasons are most common for not reporting rape. It is commonly assumed that most of the rape cases go unreported; some estimates go up to or above 90%.

Is underreporting income a crime?

Under reporting is a term describing the crime of intentionally reporting less income or revenue than was actually received. Companies and individuals chiefly under report their incomings in an effort to avoid or reduce their respective tax liabilities. Under reporting is not a victimless crime.

What is the meaning of over reporting?

1 : to report (something) to a greater extent than is necessary Such tales are fun, but on occasion the author overdoes detail, overreporting trivia to the extent that the main story … becomes sidetracked.—

What do you mean by underestimate?

Definition of underestimate transitive verb. 1 : to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number. 2 : to place too low a value on : underrate.

What types of crimes go unreported?

Common reasons for individuals not reporting crime include fear of not being believed, insecurity, and fear of getting into trouble. These reasons are most common for not reporting rape. It is commonly assumed that most of the rape cases go unreported; some estimates go up to or above 90%. (See also Rape reporting.)

What factors determine whether a crime is reported?

The decision to report crimes to the police is affected by interrelated complex factors such as personal characteristics of the victim, perceptions about the seriousness of crime incident, previous crime experiences, victim-offender relationship, the likelihood of compensation for personal harm or property damage/loss.
