What is HSQLDB?


What is HSQLDB?

HSQLDB has been constantly developed over 20 years and is used as a database and persistence engine in over 1700 Open Source Software projects and many commercial products. The latest versions are extremely stable and reliable. It is known for its small size, ability to execute completely or partly in memory, its flexibility and speed.

What are the syntax limitations of HSQLDB?

General syntax limitations HSQLDB databases are initially created in a legacy mode that does not enforce column size and precision. You can set the property: sql.enforce_strict_size=trueto enable this feature.

Where can sequence generated values be used in HSQLDB?

HSQLDB does not currently enforce the SQL 200n proposed rules on where sequence generated values are allowed to be used. In general, these values can be used in insert and update statements but not in CASE statements, order by clauses, search conditions, aggregate functions, or grouped queries. string

Does HSQLDB support built-in functions and stored procedures?

Stored Procedures / Functions Built-in Functions and Stored Procedures SQL Expression HSQLDB version 1.8.0 supports the SQL statements and syntax described in this chapter. Notational Conventions Used in this Chapter [A]means A is optional. { B | C }means either B or C must be used.