What causes severe bleeding after tonsillectomy?


What causes severe bleeding after tonsillectomy?

If the bleeding happens within 24 hours after a tonsillectomy, it’s called primary post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. There are five primary arteries that supply blood to your tonsils. If the tissues surrounding the tonsils don’t compress and form a scab, these arteries may continue to bleed.

What is reactionary hemorrhage?

Reactionary haemorrhage Reactionary haemorrhage takes place within 24 to 48 hours of injury. It occurs when the patient’s blood pressure rises (sometimes after fluid therapy) and dislodges the blood clot. Secondary haemorrhage Secondary haemorrhage can take place up to 10 days after injury.

What is the best treatment of reactionary hemorrhage after tonsillectomy?

If a patient is actively bleeding, the patient should be taken urgently for control of the hemorrhage. Until the patient is transferred to the operating room, if hemorrhaging is significant, direct pressure, either with a throat pack or gauze, should be applied to the tonsillar fossa if the patient is cooperative.

Which vessel is notorious for post tonsillectomy bleeding?

In rare cases post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage may be caused by the pseudoaneurysm of the facial artery. The endovascular embolization of this condition proved to be a valuable treatment method. It is a safe and permanent treatment option in this potentially life-threatening complication.

How do you treat a reactionary hemorrhage?

Conclusion: Reactionary postoperative hemorrhage is a rare, albeit serious, complication of contemporary gynecological surgery; this complication may occur despite meticulous surgical technique. The key to successful management is prompt diagnosis, urgent resuscitation, and return to the OT to arrest the bleeding.

When does secondary hemorrhage occur?

There are two types of PPH. Primary postpartum hemorrhage occurs within the first 24 hours after delivery. Secondary or late postpartum hemorrhage occurs 24 hours to 12 weeks postpartum.

When can bleeding occur after tonsillectomy?

When Bleeding Would Occur Bleeding after tonsillectomy is most likely to occur right after surgery or about a week later when the scabs come off. Bleeding can also occur at any point in the recovery process, which takes around 2 weeks.

What to do if tonsils are bleeding?

Your tonsils are next to many major blood vessels, so severe bleeding can quickly become life-threatening. If you notice blood on your tonsils, make an appointment with your doctor. If your tonsils are bleeding heavily or if they’ve been bleeding for more than an hour, seek emergency treatment.