Why is it significant that Janie invites tea cake to sit with her on the front porch What does he do with her on their first night time date?


Why is it significant that Janie invites tea cake to sit with her on the front porch What does he do with her on their first night time date?

Explain why it is symbolically significant that Tea Cake invites Janie to play checkers and teachers her how to play. Janies first two relationship do not allow her to speak her mind or occupy herself with hobbies she enjoys. This shows the new independence her relationship with Tea Cake will lead her to accept.

What illness does tea cake contract?

During a hurricane, Tea Cake is bitten by a rabid dog while attempting to rescue Janie from drowning, and he himself contracts rabies. As his illness progresses, he becomes increasingly paranoid and begins to distrust Janie’s faithfulness.

Who is symbolized by a pear tree to Janie?

Throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston employs the symbolism of a pear tree – its mysteries and wonders – as a representation of Janie’s questions, hopes, and aspirations. The tree embodies the roots of her memories, the branches of her vision, and the blossoming of her dreams.

What does the pear tree symbolize?

Since ancient times, even before the written word, the Wild Pear tree has been honoured as a sacred tree which symbolises prosperity, good health and future happiness. The shape of the pear has represented the female form in the art world for centuries, creating a strong symbol of fruitfulness and femininity.

What did Janie tell Phoebe she learned on her journey?

In her journey through life, Janie has learned two important lessons: People must “go tuh God,” and they must “find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.”

What happened in chapter 6 of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Chapter 6 serves two chief functions: it further explores Janie and Jody’s relationship, particularly his need for control, and it examines the strong sense of community in Eatonville, particularly the way language nurtures this sense of community.

Who dies in Chapter 6 of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

In the end, as other people in town show the mule loving, tender care and affection, the mule had died “under the big tree on his rawbony back with all four feet up in the air.” THe mule died under a tree just as Janie’s again in life was metaphorically symbolic of a pear tree and thus the only way to end her suffering …

What do pears represent in the Bible?

In some Christian contexts, the pear symbolizes the Virgin and Child, likely because of its sweetness. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, the pear tree symbolizes inner peace. The pear is a symbol of affection in many cultures.

What happens in chapter 4 of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Summary: Chapter 4 Logan pampers Janie less and tries to get her to perform manual labor, claiming that she is spoiled. One day, he leaves to buy a second mule so that Janie can help him work in the fields. While Logan is getting the mule, Janie spies a good-looking, sharply dressed stranger ambling down the road.

Why does Janie take a good look at her mouth eyes and hair before going to bed?

Janie hung over the newel post thinking so longthat she all but went to sleep there. However, before she went to bed she took a good look at her mouth, eyes, and hair. So her soul crawled out from its hiding placeThe way Tea Cake is sleeping gives Janie a feeling of intense love – regardless of her past relationship.

What happened to Joe and Janie’s relationship?

What happened to Joe and Janie’s relationship during the seventh year of their marriage? Janie learned to keep her thoughts to herself instead of fighting Joe’s criticism. Janie told the men they would be surprised if they ever found out they didn’t know half as much about women as they thought.

How many times does tea cake slap Janie?

How many times does Tea Cake slap Janie? Tea Cake slaps her “two or three” times.