Why does Mrs Turner want to be friends with Janie?


Why does Mrs Turner want to be friends with Janie?

Mrs. Turner decides to befriend Janie because Janie is also fair-skinned. In her conversation with Mrs. Turner, Janie learns that the woman is weirdly racist: she’s anti-black and resents having to live with them.

Why did Tea Cake kill the dog?

Janie kills Tea Cake because he had rabies. Rabies is a deadly disease that causes insanity and erratic and violent behavior, so her killing of Tea Cake is an act of self defense and a kind mercy killing. In the book, Tea Cake is bitten by a rabid dog while trying to save Janie during a hurricane.

What is the main theme of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

writes in the afterword to most modern editions of the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God is primarily concerned “with the project of finding a voice, with language as an instrument of injury and salvation, of selfhood and empowerment.” Jody stifles Janie’s speech, as when he prevents her from talking after he is named …

Did Janie marry tea cake?

Janie leaves Eatonville and meets Tea Cake in Jacksonville, where they marry.

How is tea cake different from Joe?

Unlike Joe, Tea Cake’s self-confidence is not combined with ambition; unlike Joe, he can openly express his love for Janie. He is able to give her the dream of love that Joe Starks never understood. Even Tea Cake’s death contrasts with Joe’s.

What does the dog symbolize in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

The dog represents the hate and bloodshed racism brings, which wants to drag Janie down with it. The water is the barrier that keeps hate at bay: her spirit. Tea Cake represents Janie’s love and strength, never failing to destroy the racism and keep her, her dreams, and her life intact.

What does tea cake symbolize?

Tea Cake is a creative symbol because people usually aren’t symbols, but Tea Cake symbolizes the youth that Janie lost when she was forced to marry. The fourth most important symbol was the head rags. The rags symbolized freedom. This was very creative because head rags usually aren’t a sign of freedom.

What is Hurston’s message in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God is such a rich novel that there is no one main theme or message. Rather, the book is ripe with multiple life lessons. However, one of the central themes focuses on the idea of self-actualization. Throughout the novel, Janie looks outside of herself for fulfillment.

How much older is Janie than tea cake?

Tea Cake is fifteen years younger than Janie, and is poor with not much to offer Janie.

What is tea cake buried with?

The all-white, all-male jury finds her innocent. After the trial, the white women of the muck gather around Janie to comfort her, while her former friends stand in judgment against her. Janie buries Tea Cake in Palm Beach on a white silk couch surrounded by roses “like a Pharaoh in his tomb.”

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie?

Is Tea Cake acting out of character when he beats Janie? yes. he is usually never violent toward Janie always acting out of pure love. Up until this point, Tea Cake showed himself as an a-typical man of the time, but this act demonstrates otherwise.

Why is tea cake in Eatonville?

People in Eatonville are scandalized by Janie and Tea Cake’s romance for several reasons. Janie is a well-off widow who owns a house and a store, while Tea Cake “can’t do nothin’ but help her spend whut she got.” The Eatonville neighbors are sure Tea Cake only wants Janie’s money.

Why is tea cake called tea cake?

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Tea Cake is called Tea Cake because people couldn’t easily say his real name, which is Vergible Woods. The nickname also reflects how sweet Janie finds him.

Why did tea cake die?

He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. Because of this, Janie is forced to kill the man she loves to put him out of his rabies-induced misery. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

What city does tea cake tell Janie to come to in his letter?

Jacksonville, Florida

How does the title Their Eyes Were Watching God capture some of the main themes of the book?

—the title implies that nothing is earned by Janie in the book: her happiness and sorrow is all God’s doing. Her eyes then look to God, wondering what he’ll bring into her life next.

What is the lesson in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Watching God taught me that the minute you allow others to limit you, you diminish yourself and your potential. In the novel, Janie discovers that listening to her inner guidance is more powerful than listening to the fears, wants, and criticisms of others.

How does Tea Cake justify beating Janie?

Turner telling Janie that Tea Cake is too black for her and that she should be with Mrs. Turner’s brother, instead. In chapter 17, Tea Cake beats Janie so that he can show Mrs. Turner who is boss, then he stages a fight that destroys her restaurant so that she will leave town.