Why does Curley wear a glove?


Why does Curley wear a glove?

Curley wears a “glove fulla Vaseline” on one hand because, according to Candy, “he’s keepin’ that hand soft for his wife.” Since farm work is physical and tough on a person’s hands, the Vaseline will prevent at least one of Curley’s hands from becoming chapped and rough—something he clearly believes his wife would find …

What is George and Lennie’s dream in chapter 1 quote?

George and Lennie have a dream: to scrounge enough money together to someday buy their own little house and a plot of land to farm. They dream of roots, stability, and independence. They encounter other dreamers in their travels, those grasping for a tomorrow that seems always just out of their grasp.

Who does George tell Lennie not to look at why?


What does keeping his hand soft for his wife mean?

The glove is to keep it on. Curley has regular sex with his wife, and wishes his hand to be soft so that he can caress her without a diminished lack of sensation in his hand. It also makes it more pleasant for her.

What three things compare slim?

Metaphor. 13.) In the fifth paragraph on page 33, to what three things is Slim compared? Royalty, master craftsmen, hatchet (his face).

What is George’s dream in Chapter 1?

Answers 1. George and Lennie’s dream for the future is to one day own a farm with lots of rabbits. Lennie dreams of taking care of the rabbits and other animals, and George hopes this dream comes true so that he can lead a “better” life.

How does Slim have power?

Prince is a particularly interesting word choice because it shows that Slim is seen as, on par with Curley and the boss authority-wise. But Slim has the power because he has been given while they have given it to themselves.

What animal is Lennie compared to in Chapter 1?


What is Slim’s assessment of Lennie?

He is more intelligent, more observant, more tolerant and compassionate–altogether a superior sort of person. He takes an interest in Lennie, to whom he has given one of his dog’s new puppies. In Chapter 3 he watches Lennie take his puppy back out to the barn and says to George, “He’s jes’ like a kid, ain’t he.”

Who does George say are the loneliest?


What makes Slim trustworthy?

His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. This was Slim, the jerkline skinner. So Slim is respected because of his skill but also because of his air of majesty which comes from being skilled and indispensable to the employer.

Where are George and Lennie coming from in Chapter 1?

At the start of the book, Lennie and George are just coming to the little heavenly bit of the Salinas River near Soledad. They have been hitchhiking this way so that they can get to the ranch where they have been told they will work. They are coming from Northern California, from the town of Weed.

What are some of Slims character traits?

Slim. A quiet, observant man, Slim is portrayed as wise and the true authority figure on the ranch. While the other workers listen to the boss and Curley because they have to, they listen to Slim because they respect him as a worker and as a person.

What is George Milton’s dream?

Unlike Lennie, George does not see their dream in terms of rabbits; instead, he sees it in a practical way. Their farm will be one where they can be independent and safe and where he will not have to worry about keeping track of Lennie’s mistakes. They can be secure and in charge of their own lives.

What is George’s attitude toward Lennie in Chapter 1?

George attitude toward Lennie for forgetting things. He stays with Lennie because he fells bad for him. Explain the connection between Lennie’s mouse and what happened in town of weed.