Why do we hunt eggs on Easter Sunday?


Why do we hunt eggs on Easter Sunday?

The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that the Easter hare laid eggs in the grass. In South German folk traditions it was customary to add extra obstacles to the game by placing them into hard-to reach places among nettles or thorns.

Where did Easter egg hunting come from?

The custom of the Easter egg hunt, however, comes from Germany. Some suggest that its origins date back to the late 16th century, when the Protestant reformer Martin Luther organised egg hunts for his congregation. The men would hide the eggs for the women and children to find.

How did egg hunting start?

Some theorists have traced Easter egg hunts back to the Pennsylvania Dutch of the 1700s who believed that a hare called ‘Oschter Haws’ laid eggs in the grass.

What day is Easter egg hunt?

However, many people will choose Easter Sunday as it is the main day of the celebrations as it when Christians believe that the Son of God was resurrected on this day after Christ was crucified on Good Friday. And Sunday is often chosen as a good day for an Easter egg hunt before tucking into a delicious dinner.

Why is there an Easter bunny?

The exact origins of the Easter bunny are clouded in mystery. One theory is that the symbol of the rabbit stems from pagan tradition, specifically the festival of Eostreā€”a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny. Rabbits, known for their energetic breeding, have traditionally symbolized fertility.

Is Easter Egg Hunt biblical?

CLASS. Many Easter traditions, including the name itself and the symbolic use of eggs and rabbits, have pagan origins, but the Easter egg hunt, egg rolling and other holiday attributes are purely Christian additions. Many of the traditions followed today had their beginnings in the Middle Ages.

Is Easter egg hunt biblical?

What do rabbits mean spiritually?

A bunny in the wild is seen as a positive omen because of this, and seeing one or having one cross your path is considered lucky. Good luck in love, family, and finances are all associated with seeing a rabbit. Rabbits are also considered to be powerful spiritual totem animals.