Who is known as architect?


Who is known as architect?

Explanation: Jawaharlal Nehru is known as Architect of Modern India.

What are the three main styles of ancient Indian architecture?

Primarily, the Indian temple architecture has been classified into three broad types, namely; Nagara or the northern style, Vesara or mixed style, and the Dravida which is the southern style. All these styles carry their unique regional influences and lineages.

Who is known as architect of modern India?

V.P. Menon: The Unsung Architect of Modern India is written by historian and analyst Narayani Basu, great-granddaughter of V. P. Menon, and it is published by Simon & Schuster India. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, external affairs minister of India, had released the book on 12 February 2020. Book has 432 pages.

What are the themes of modern novel?

This lesson identifies four important themes in Modern American Literature: alienation, transformation, consumption, and the relativity of truth. These themes reflect the distinct sensibilities of both the modernist and postmodern aesthetic movements.

What does RA mean after someone’s name?

An RA, for example, is a Registered Architect. A Registered Architect has completed an internship and passed a rigorous series of examinations offered by official architectural registration boards in the United States and Canada.

What are the characteristics of modern novel?


  • Realism. The novel of the Modern Age is realistic in nature.
  • Love for Romance.
  • Frank in Sexual Matters.
  • Stream of Consciousness Technique.
  • Novel of Ideas.

What are the major styles of temples?

Three main styles of temple architecture are the Nagara or the Northern style, the Dravida or the Southern style and the Vesara or Mixed style. But at the same time, there are also some regional styles. Nagara (in North India) is associated with the land between the Himalayas and Vindhyas.

What are the characteristics of modern literary genres?

4. The Main Characteristics of Modern Literature: The characteristics of Modern Literature can be categorized into Individualism, Experimentation, Symbolism, Absurdity, and Formalism.

Who was the father of modern India?

Ram Mohan Ray

When was Modernism created?
