Who created Brahma Vishnu Mahesh?


Who created Brahma Vishnu Mahesh?

Soon after giving birth to Brahma for creating life on earth, Vishnu produced Lord Shiva from his forehead, to end the journey of the varied forms of life. Thus, he entrusted Brahma and Mahesh with their respective duties to form a life cycle.

What are Brahma Vishnu Mahesh together called?

Om Tridevaya Namah, त्रिमूर्ति is the combination of three supreme Gods in Hinduism, Known as Brahma – the creator, Vishnu – the preserver, and Mahesh – the destroyer.

Who is more powerful Brahma Vishnu Mahesh?

category the most power ful is bramha, the second one is bishnu and the third one i maheswara. this trinity is not supreme in itself. lord Brahma is originated from lord Vishnu’s navel, and lord Shiva originated from lord Brahma’s forehead at the time of creation.

Who is the biggest God?

Vishnu is the Supreme Brahman, According to many Vaishnava Scriptures. Shiva is the Supreme, in Shaivite Traditions while in Shakti Traditions, Adi Parshakti is supreme. Other names such as Ishvara, Bhagavan, Bhagvati and Daiva also means Hindu gods and all of them mainly denote Brahman.

Who is bigger Vishnu or Shiva?

Actually since many years I had this curiosity to know who is among all Gods who is superior.. According to hindu mythology narayana and shiva are created by Parbharma which exist in tenth dimension. So let’s see who is superior. In my opinion both Lord shiva and vishnu equally are superior.

Who is powerful God in world?

Shiva is also considered as the God of Gods. The existence which represents infinity itself….Who is the most powerful God in the world?

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Who is India’s god?

Hindus recognise one God, Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence.

How old is Brahma now?

Each year of Brahma has 360 days and same number of nights. Thus, total age of Brahma is 360 * 100 * 8.64 billion = 311,040 billion human years. i.e. 311.04 trillion years. This period is called “maha kalpa”.

Which is most powerful god?

According to scriptures lord Shiva is considered to be the supreme god due to his patience and complete control over anger. He is believed to have a third eye which causes destruction once opened.