What word best describes a reflective essay?


What word best describes a reflective essay?

Answer Expert Verified. I believe that the best answer for this question is “subjective.” A reflective essay is any essay that is written about the writer’s personal experiences. Therefore, subjective is the best term to substitute for reflective essay.

How many paragraphs is a reflective essay?

Reflective Essay Outline Template. This outline template follows a 5-paragraph format, but you can add paragraphs and rearrange the body paragraphs to fit your needs. Just fill in the blanks with your own information, and you’ll be one step closer to a stellar essay.

What is a good synonym for precise writing?

Some common synonyms of precise are accurate, correct, exact, nice, and right.

What are the characteristics of reflective writing?

Thus, in reflective writing, the focus is on writing that is not merely descriptive. The writer revisits the scene to note details and emotions, reflect on meaning, examine what went well or revealed a need for additional learning, and relate what transpired to the rest of life.

What should you accomplish in the conclusion of a reflective essay?

In the conclusion of your reflective essay, you should focus on bringing your piece together by providing a summary of both the points made throughout, and what you have learned as a result. Try to include a few points on why and how your attitudes and behaviours have been changed.

What is a reflective essay format?

A reflective essay is a type of writing in which you describe some moment or experience from your life or share your thoughts on some text. The experience should explore your personal ideas, feelings, and opinions about the event and how it affected you.

How do you organize a reflective essay?

The easiest way to keep a reflection paper focused and organized is to create a thesis statement as your last statement of the first paragraph. For example, you may start with a paragraph (usually 5-12 sentences) describing a classroom visitation experience.

How do you write a good reflection?

When writing a reflection paper on literature or another experience, the point is to include your thoughts and reactions to the reading or experience. You can present what you observed (objective discussion) and how what you experienced or saw made you feel and explain why (subjective discussion).

How do you write an outline for a reflective essay?

Outlining a reflective essay is more like getting your thoughts in order. It’s about creating the essay bone structure. Using a keyword or sentence-style outline, start with a strong thesis statement to clarify your ideas. From there, fill in the pieces for the introduction, body, and conclusion.

How do you end a reflective essay example?

Think of your thesis statement and use that purpose to guide your reflection. You might begin your conclusion with something such as “When I look back on that day, I consider how lucky I am to have survived.” You will then continue by restating some of the main points of your story that prove your thesis.

What is a reflective outline?

In order to understand what a reflective essay outline is, the actual essay itself must be grasped. Most simply put, this type of writing is a response to a topic in the form of a personal reflection. The outline of this type of writing is just as it sounds: a layout for ones’ thoughts in regard to a specific item.

How long is a reflective essay?

between 300 and 500 words

How do you start a reflective essay?

Begin with a great hook and a strong introduction. Pull the reader in without giving too much away, then provide a quick overview of the reflective topic. Next, in the body of the essay, move into the meat of the paper by describing your experiences and growth.

How do you write a short reflective essay?

Steps for Writing a Reflective Essay

  1. Think of an event which could become the topic of your essay.
  2. Make a mind-map.
  3. Write a strong opening paragraph.
  4. State your supporting arguments, ideas, and examples in the body paragraphs.
  5. In the first sentence of the conclusion, briefly summarize your thoughts.

What are the three parts of a reflective essay?

However, some major elements go into a typical reflective essay: introduction, body and conclusion.

What is the difference between a memoir and reflective writing?

A reflective essay is a means for the writer to share thoughts, ideas, personal beliefs and convictions. Many reflective essays are written to persuade the reader by using a personal anecdote or experience. A memoir is written to share an event from the writer’s life that has shaped or changed him.

How do you end a 5 paragraph essay?

The Fifth Paragraph: The Conclusion In your conclusion, you should restate the thesis and connect it with the body of the essay in a sentence that explains how each point supports the thesis. Your final sentence should uphold your main idea in a clear and compelling manner.

What is a good word to start off a paragraph?

Example: Using Transition Words to Indicate Sequence/Order of Events

generally… furthermore… finally during later on
first… just in the same way… finally finally then
basically… similarly… as well as first of all simultaneously
afterward to begin with soon
at first in the first place while

How do you reflect personally?

15 Ways to Practice Self-Reflection

  1. Identify the Important Questions.
  2. Meditate.
  3. Journal.
  4. Do A Writing Exercise.
  5. Take a Walk In Nature.
  6. Talk to Yourself Out Loud.
  7. Perform Breathing Exercises.
  8. Read.

What is a critical essay?

A critical essay is a type of academic writing where the author analyzes and evaluates a text. For an essay to become critical, you need to claim a text’s particular ideas and then support that claim with evidence.

How do you conclude a reflection?

How do I start my first body paragraph?

Good Ways to Start Off the First Body Paragraph

  1. Topic Sentences. A topic sentence is one of the most popular ways of opening the first body paragraph.
  2. Transition Sentences. A transition sentence is a great way to open the first body paragraph in a paper.
  3. Definitions. The first body paragraph is also a good place to define key terms in the paper.
  4. Key Example.

How do you teach a 5 paragraph essay?

How to teach the five-paragraph essay in your homeschool

  1. Teach the 5-Paragraph Essay Format.
  2. An Interesting Introduction Sets the Stage.
  3. The Body of the Essay Supports the Thesis Statement.
  4. A Strong Conclusion Wraps Up the Essay.

Why is the 5 paragraph essay bad?

The five paragraph essay encourages students to engage only on the surface level without attaining the level of cogency demanded by college writing. In its broad, overarching style, it has a tendency to encourage overly general thesis statements that lead to poorly developed and unfocused papers.

How do you write a good essay paragraph?

Essay paragraphs Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: a topic sentence that states the main or controlling idea. supporting sentences to explain and develop the point you’re making. evidence from your reading or an example from the subject area that supports your point.

What is the format of a reflective essay?

A reflective essay should follow the classic essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Some other common formats include journaling or using a reflective model for only part of an essay or assignment. A journal is a collection of entries made on a regular basis (e.g. daily or weekly).

How do you start a topic sentence for a body paragraph?

A topic sentence should contain the main idea of the paragraph, and should follow the same rules as the thesis statement. Writers should start by writing down one of the main ideas, in sentence form; the topic sentence should frame the paragraph.

What is conclusion of an essay?

The function of the essay’s Conclusion is to restate the main argument. It reminds the reader of the strengths of the argument: that is, it reiterates the most important evidence supporting the argument.

What type of word is conclusion?

noun. the end or close; final part.