What water snakes are in Alabama?


What water snakes are in Alabama?

RELATED: Look for these 30 TURTLES in Alabama!

  • #1. Midland Water Snake.
  • #2. Plain-bellied Watersnake.
  • #3. Queen Snake.
  • #7. Banded Watersnake.
  • #8. Diamond-backed Watersnake.
  • #9. Brown Watersnake.
  • #10. Gulf Swampsnake.

Do water moccasins live in Alabama?

DISTRIBUTION: Agkistrodon piscivorus is found in the southeastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and east Texas. There are three subspecies: the eastern, Florida, and western cottonmouths.

What is Alabama’s deadliest snake?

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake There are diagonal, whitish stripes on the side of the triangular head. It has facial pits and elliptical pupils like the other pit vipers. This snake is the most dangerous of venomous snakes in Alabama.

Is there a water snake that looks like a copperhead?

At first glance, common watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon) look like they have a similar pattern to copperheads, but look closer. The Hershey Kisses are upside down. These shapes look more like saddles. As you might expect from their name, watersnakes spend a lot of their time in the water; copperheads rarely do.

Is a black water snake poisonous?

Water snakes are non-venomous snakes found in North America that, true to their name, like to spend time in or around water.

What is the 6th venomous snake in Alabama?

The sixth venomous snake in Alabama is the coral snake. This fairly small, secretive relative of the cobra has black and red rings separated by yellow rings, and a black snout. Unlike the pit viper, the coral snake has a small head, round pupils, and a slender body.

Where do water snakes live in Alabama?

A conspicuous inhabitant of ponds, lakes, and streams, and the most frequently encountered water snake in the northern two-thirds of Alabama. The Midland Snake is a heavy bodied aquatic snake which can be commonly confused with the venomous Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin. This snake has a highly variable color pattern.

Is there a red racer snake in Alabama?

Often they are called Red Racers, but as the picture shows, the Eastern Coachwhip Snake of Alabama has a light color. Nine watersnake species (genus Nerodia) have been recorded in the United States.

What kind of snakes give birth in Alabama?

All pit vipers give birth to their young. This group includes the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, timber rattlesnake, pigmy rattlesnake, copperhead, and cottonmouth. The sixth venomous snake in Alabama is the coral snake.