What replaced Wunderlist?


What replaced Wunderlist?

After beloved cloud-based task management app Wunderlist shuttered in May 2020, Microsoft’s To Do app became its successor.

How much did Wunderlist sell for?

between $100 million and $200 million
In 2015, Microsoft bought Christian Reber’s to-do list app, Wunderlist, for a sum that was reported to be between $100 million and $200 million. It was a significant amount of money and a huge moment in Reber’s life but it didn’t leave him feeling as one might expect.

How do I transfer data from Wunderlist?

How to export Wunderlist data to another app?

  1. Download your data from export.wunderlist.com. You can easily export your data prior to 6th May 2020 from the link: export.wunderlist.com (make sure that this will stop working after the.
  2. Export your Wunderlist data into a JSON format.
  3. Migrate your Wunderlist data with Zapier.

Why are there so many To Do apps?

Everyone works in different ways, which means that everyone keeps track of their work in different ways. This is why there are so many to do lists applications. Task management is intensely personal.

What did Wunderlist turn into?

Wunderlist, the beloved to do list app, shuts down on May 6, 2020. Microsoft bought Wunderlist in 2015. They would very much like you to migrate your tasks to Microsoft To Do, a spiritual successor to Wunderlist that integrates with Outlook and other Microsoft tools.

Why is Wunderlist being discontinued?

Microsoft says it decided to now move to close down Wunderlist because it has stopped releasing new features for the app and, as the app ages, it will become more difficult to maintain. In addition, it wants to at last focus its full energies on making its To Do app the best alternative to Wunderlist.

How do I import a list from Wunderlist to Microsoft?

Click on the gear icon at the top-right corner of the window, then click “Import.” You’ll be prompted to sign in with your Wunderlist account details. Next, Microsoft To Do will show you what it’s importing. If everything looks right, click “Import” to continue.
