What page in To Kill a Mockingbird is this quote on?


What page in To Kill a Mockingbird is this quote on?

On page 93 of the online McIntosh and Otis pdf. version of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem are shooting their air rifles when Atticus tells them that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.

What does aunt Alexandra say background?

The background given to Scout and Jem was from Aunt Alexandra talking how the Cunninghams are white trash. Scout seems to not understand why Aunt Alexandra is saying to be polite to Walter but she cannot invite him over to the house.

How has Scout’s attitude towards Aunt Alexandra change?

Scout is shocked to find that Alexandra has come to stay with them in Maycomb during the Tom Robinson trial (Atticus never got around to telling his children), and she even worries that her aunt is trying to get rid of her for good.

How is Aunt Alexandra characterized?

Key Characteristics of Aunt Alexandra Aunt Alexandra is a poised, well-mannered Southern woman. She is critical of Scout’s tomboyish ways. She considers family breeding important to how a person behaves. Despite her cold demeanor, Aunt Alexandra is shown to care deeply for her family.

What does aunt Alexandra think of Atticus defending Tom?

We know that Alexandra was not happy with Atticus defending Tom, since Scout later overheard her arguing with her father. “She won’t let him alone about Tom Robinson. She almost said Atticus was disgracin’ the family.”

How does Aunt Alexandra show courage?

Aunt Alexandra displays courage by coming to Maycomb to help her brother raise Scout and Jem during the trial. She knows she is stepping into a hornet’s nest, and that Atticus is the target of all kinds of controversy. She, like Alexandra, has social courage. She is not afraid to be herself and say what she thinks.

Why is Tom Robinson compared to a mockingbird?

Tom Robinson can easily be compared to a mockingbird because of what happened to him. Tom Robinson is like a mockingbird because he was killed but was innocent. It is kind of like when Atticus said that killing a mockingbird was a sin because it didn’t harm anyone and actually did some good (singing a song).

What page does aunt Alexandra come?

page 55

How does Aunt Alexandra react to Tom’s death?

Aunt Alexandra is sympathetic about Tom’s death and treats Scout with compassion. Aunt Alexandra has clearly been affected by her time at the Finches’ house. She seems to be softening somewhat. For example, the day of the party she lets Calpurnia serve.

Why does Aunt Alexandra want to dismiss Calpurnia?

Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that since she has moved in, they can dismiss Calpurnia. Aunt Alexandra prefers that the children are raised by a white woman and not a black woman. Atticus said that Calpurnia is already part of the family and the children see her as something close to mother.

Who is Dill’s aunt in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Aunt Stephanie