What is the size of shared pool in Oracle?


What is the size of shared pool in Oracle?

1.261 SHARED_POOL_SIZE If SGA_TARGET is not set (32-bit platforms): 64 MB, rounded up to the nearest granule size. If SGA_TARGET is not set (64-bit platforms): 128 MB, rounded up to the nearest granule size.

What is the use of large pool in Oracle?

The large pool is an optional memory area. It provides an area of memory from which large allocations can be made. Oracle’s backup and restore utilities typically allocate buffers that are hundreds of kilobytes in size.

What is difference between AMM and ASMM in Oracle?

I understand that the difference between ASMM and AMM depends on the release of Oracle. Answer: Yes, Oracle ASMM and Oracle AMM are for different releases of Oracle: AMM in Oracle 11g: The 11g release uses AMM and manages all of the SGA AND PGA via the memory_target parameter. Also, AMM does not use Linux hugepages.

What is DB cache size?

DB_CACHE_SIZE specifies the size of the DEFAULT buffer pool for buffers with the primary block size (the block size defined by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter). The value must be at least 4M * number of cpus * granule size (smaller values are automatically rounded up to this value).

What happens in the shared pool in Oracle?

Oracle checks the shared pool to see if a shared SQL area already exists for an identical statement. If so, that shared SQL area is used for the execution of the subsequent new instances of the statement.

What is the shared pool in Oracle?

The shared pool is the area of the System Global Area (SGA) that contains structures such as the data dictionary cache and the shared SQL area. This is one of the most important storage structures in an Oracle database system.

Why do you need to flush a shared pool?

Flush Shared pool means flushing the cached execution plan and SQL Queries from memory. FLush buffer cache means flushing the cached data of objects from memory. Both is like when we restart the oracle database and all memory is cleared.

How big is a large pool?

The Pool’s Size and Purpose For a lap pool, the average size is about 10 feet wide and 50 feet long, which is pretty large. However, the average size for a smaller in-ground pool can range from 10 feet by 20 feet, and a larger pool is about 20 feet by 40 feet.

What is large pool size in Oracle?

Sizing the large pool If configured, the large pool must be at least 600 kilobytes in size. 600k is usually enough for most MTS applications. However, if PQO is also used in an Oracle8 environment, then the size of the large pool will increase dramatically.

What is AMM and ASMM?

AMM (Automatic Memory Management) & ASMM (Automatic Shared MM)