What is sealing evidence?


What is sealing evidence?

Proper Seal • A proper seal consists of an appropriate closure of the packaging that will prevent loss or. contamination of the evidence contained within. Evidence must be sealed with evidence tape.

What are the four ways to document a crime scene?

There are several methods of documentation: Notes, photography, sketches, and video are all important. Note taking is one of the most important parts of processing the crime scene.

Who collects evidence?

Crime scene investigators (CSIs) go by many names, including evidence technician, crime scene technician, forensic investigator, crime scene analyst, criminalistics officer and more. In the past, most CSIs were trained police officers. In fact, most still work out of police stations today.

How evidence is handled at a crime scene?

They take photographs and physical measurements of the scene, identify and collect forensic evidence, and maintain the proper chain of custody of that evidence. Crime scene investigators collect evidence such as fingerprints, footprints, tire tracks, blood and other body fluids, hairs, fibers and fire debris.

How do you collect dried blood evidence?

Place thread on bloodstain with a pair of clean forceps or a clean cotton swab. Roll the thread on the bloodstain, so the stain is absorbed onto the thread. Repeat until a minimum of four threads are collected. Place the threads (and swabs, if used) in a secure area and allow them to air dry.

How is small evidence collected?

Most items of evidence will be collected in paper containers such as packets, envelopes, and bags. That evidence can then be repackaged in a new, dry paper container. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD EVIDENCE CONTAINING MOISTURE BE PACKAGED IN PLASTIC OR PAPER CONTAINERS FOR MORE THAN TWO HOURS.

What type of evidence tape should be used?

Items of evidence must be properly sealed with evidence tape (must initial/date over evidence tape) and clearly marked with your agency inventory number and description. Make sure to use appropriate size packaging and proper labeling when applicable: BIOHAZARD, SHARPS, etc.

What is an evidence tape?

Evidence tape plays a crucial role in evidence collection. Evidence can not be properly cataloged if it is not initially processed and sealed securely at the scene.