What is MEM in top command?


What is MEM in top command?

If you want to make top a bit more memory-friendly, issue the command top -o %MEM, which will cause top to sort all processes by memory used (Figure 2). Figure 2: Sorting process by memory used in top. The top command also gives you a real-time update on how much of your swap space is being used.

What is top memory?

Top gives you a snapshot of a system’s situation, e.g., free physical memory, number of running tasks, percentage of CPU time usage of each processes–all in a single view. So it’s like using ps, free, and uptime at the same time. Top gets most of its information from several files under the /proc directory.

What shell I use?

How to check which shell am I using: Use the following Linux or Unix commands: ps -p $$ – Display your current shell name reliably. echo “$SHELL” – Print the shell for the current user but not necessarily the shell that is running at the movement.

How do you read top command output?

How to Read Linux Top Command Output and Uses

  1. The Row 1 results show about server uptime from the last reboot, currently logged in users and CPU load on the server.
  2. Row 4 shows the memory utilization on the server, you can find here how much memory is used, the same results you can find using free command.

How do you order top memory?

Sort By memory Usage per-process in the interactive menu

  1. press Shift+f to enter the interactive menu.
  2. press the up or down arrow until the %MEM choice is highlighted.
  3. press s to select %MEM choice.
  4. press enter to save your selection.
  5. press q to exit the interactive menu.

How do you read the top memory?

Viewing memory usage in top Hit Shift+M to see the list sorted by memory usage. Your display may look slightly different than this example from a running Fedora Workstation: There are three columns showing memory usage to examine: VIRT, RES, and SHR.

How is zsh different from bash?

Key Differences Between Zsh and Bash Zsh is more interactive and customizable than Bash. Zsh has floating-point support that Bash does not possess. Hash data structures are supported in Zsh that are not present in Bash. The invocation features in Bash is better when comparing with Zsh.

What are the 3 values in the top command refer to?

USER – The user that is the owner of the process (root) PR – priority of the process (15) NI – The “NICE” value of the process (0) VIRT – virtual memory used by the process (132m)