What is internal table with header line?


What is internal table with header line?

The internal table and header line are accessed as follows: Many processing statements for internal tables have obsolete short forms in which the header lines is used as an implicit work area if no explicit work area is specified.

How do I add a header to an internal table?

Declaring Both an Internal Table and a Structure by Referring to a Structured Local/Global TYPE or Local/Global Structure DATA {TYPE|LIKE} OCCURS WITH HEADER LINE. WITH HEADER LINE is a reserved key phrase. The addition of this phrase creates a structure.

What is the header line of internal table in SAP?

Internal Tables with Header Line The work area has the same data type as internal table. This work area is called the HEADER line. It is here that all the changes or any of the action on the contents of the table are done.

What is internal table without header line?

You can define internal tables either with (WITH HEADER LINE addition) or without header lines. An internal table with header line consists of a work area (header line) and the actual table body. You address both objects. using the same name.

What is the difference between with header line and without header line in ABAP?

Internal Table without Header Line creates an internal table and work area is created separately. When the Internal Table with header table is created then the work area is created automatically with the same name that of the internal table.

What is a header line?

The header line is a field string with the same structure as a row of the body, but it can only hold a single row. It is a buffer used to hold each record before it is added or each record as it is retrieved from the internal table. . The header line is the implicit work area for the internal table.

Is a table without a header line and therefore does not have a component called?

“IT_COMBINE” is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called “EBELN”.

What is a table without header line and therefore does not have a component called low?

“STRUCTUREB” is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called “LOW”. REPORT ZTESTAS. TYPE-POOLS: RSR.

What is the difference between internal table with and without header line?

What is database header table?

A table header is a row at the top of a table used to label each column. For example, in the below table there are three columns with a “Name,” “Date of Birth,” and “Phone” header. Example of a table header in HTML. Header row in a Microsoft Excel table. Header row in Microsoft Word.

What is a table without header line SAP ABAP?

explicit work area for itab. data: itab1 like itab occurs 10. ” table is without header line. The header line is a field string with the same structure as a row of the body, but it can only hold a single row.