What is EcoSoya CB 135 soy wax?


What is EcoSoya CB 135 soy wax?

EcoSoya CB-135 is a fully formulated, single pour, all-natural soy container wax that requires no additives. EcoSoya CB-135 has great scent throw and glass adhesion and pours with a smooth level surface. This wax can take a fragrance load of up to 12%.

What soy wax is best for candles?

Top 5 Best Soy Wax in 2021

  • The Candlemaker’s Store Natural Soy Wax – Wax Flakes.
  • Oraganix Natural Soy Wax – is Perfect for DIY Candle Making.
  • Hearts and Crafts Soy Wax – Wholesale.
  • Golden Brand’s Natural Soy Wax – 100% eco.
  • CandleScience All Natural Soy Candle Wax – The Best 464 Soy Wax Bulk.

What is CB wax?

CB-Advanced is an all-natural and fully formulated soy wax that is suitable for use in containers. Benefits of this wax are: Holds vibrant colour when using liquid, powder, chip dyes. Requires only a single pour and no additional additives. Provides an excellent scent throw, both hot and cold.

What is eco soy wax?

EcoSoya Classic is ideal for container candle applications. It is 100% natural and made from soy beans. It has a naturally creamy texture and when poured achieves a smooth top. EcoSoya Classic has great scent throw with low shrinkage.

Can you use EcoSoya CB 135 for wax melts?

This wax can take a fragrance load of up to 12%. We recommend heating this wax to around 70 degrees to melt and pouring at 60 degrees. Add fragrance as close to pour temperature as possible for optimum results. Try this wax if you had previously used EcoSoya Q10 from the old Quantum range.

What is CB advanced wax?

EcoSoya CB-Advanced is a fully formulated, single pour, all-natural soy container wax that requires no additives. EcoSoya CB-Advanced is the advanced container blend in our range and has excellent scent throw and glass adhesion and pours with a smooth level surface and highly resistant to frosting.

Does soy wax hold scent?

With natural ingredients/products in high demand, soy is familiar to the market and well sought out. While fragrance tends to be more subtle in a soy candle, it still holds scent well and produces less soot than other wax types.

Is EcoSoya CB-advanced 100% soy wax?

EcoSoya CB-Advanced Soy is a container wax made from 100% soy and soy-based additives. Candles made with CB-Advanced Soy resist frosting, have smooth surfaces, great glass adhesion, and an even burn pool with consistent color retention. This wax ships well in all climates.

Can I use EcoSoya CB-advanced for wax melts?

Wax Weight EcoSoya CB-Advanced has been designed to take fragrances at 12%. This wax melts the best around 75°c and pours at 60°c. Your fragrance should be added as close to the pouring temperature as possible, mixed for 2 minutes and then poured.

What is EcoSoya made of?

Where is EcoSoya wax made?

Lancashire, UK
Ecosoya products are now manufactured in Lancashire, UK by wax making experts Kerax Limited. 100% natural and made from soy beans, the EcoSoya wax range has waxes suitable for many applications.