What is deep processing in memory?


What is deep processing in memory?

cognitive processing of a stimulus that focuses on its meaningful properties rather than its perceptual characteristics. It is considered that processing at this semantic level, which usually involves a degree of elaboration, produces stronger, longer-lasting memories than shallow processing.

What is meant by deep processing?

Deep processing involves elaboration rehearsal which involves a more meaningful analysis (e.g. images, thinking, associations etc.) of information and leads to better recall. For example, giving words a meaning or linking them with previous knowledge.

What are some examples of deep processing?

Other examples of deep processing include: organizing your notes around common themes, generating questions for review, creating a concept map of ideas studied, and paying attention to key distinctions.

What is deep and shallow processing?

Deep processing involves attention to meaning and is associated with elaborative rehearsal. Shallow processing involves repetition with little attention to meaning and is associated with maintenance rehearsal. processing that involves attention to meaning and relating an item to something else.

What is another term for deep processing?

2 abstract, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, hidden, mysterious, obscure, recondite, secret. 3 acute, discerning, learned, penetrating, sagacious, wise.

How do you do deep processing?

Deep Processing

  1. In class: focused attention, listening for something new, notes support understanding of material.
  2. Interpreting information – making it meaningful for you.
  3. Relating to prior knowledge.
  4. Creating a mental image.
  5. Preread assignments so that material in class makes sense, look for connections.

How do you deep process?

What are the 4 parts of deep processing?

Four basic principles of achieving deep processing.

  • Elaboration.
  • Distinctiveness.
  • Personal.
  • Appropriate to Retrieval and Application.

Is shallow or deep processing better for your memory?

Shallow processing (e.g., processing based on phonemic and orthographic components) leads to a fragile memory trace that is susceptible to rapid decay. Conversely, deep processing (e.g., semantic processing) results in a more durable memory trace.

Why do we need deep processing?

If you use a deep processing strategy, you will learn whether you intend to or not.” “The basic idea is that if you think about information meaningfully (deep processing), you are much more likely to remember that information than if you think about at a superficial, meaningless level (shallow processing).

How can I learn deep processing?