What is compartment in Biopharmaceutics?


What is compartment in Biopharmaceutics?

In pharmacokinetics, a compartment is a defined volume of body fluids, typically of the human body, but also those of other animals with multiple organ systems.

What is compartment Modelling in pharmacokinetics?

Compartmental modeling of pharmacokinetics describes the fate of a drug in the body by dividing the whole body into one or more compartments (Figure 1). A compartment involves several organs or tissues and is kinetically homogenous. Different compartments do not have a direct anatomical or physiological signification.

What is the three compartment model?

In the three-compartmental modeling, three compartments describe the fate of a drug once administered: the central compartment, which represents the plasma; the highly perfused compartment, which represents the organs and tissues highly perfused by the blood; and the scarcely perfused compartment, which represents the …

What is the 2 compartment model?

Definition: The two compartment open model treats the body as two compartments. Input and output are from the central compartment. Mixing occurs between the two compartments.

What is simple compartment model?

These states are often called compartments, and the corresponding models are called compartment models. The simplest compartment models assume a person can be in one of only two states, either susceptible (S) or infectious (I). The two-state model is called the SI(S) model.

What is peripheral compartment?

The central compartment (compartment 1) consists of the plasma and tissues where the distribution of the drug is practically instantaneous. The peripheral compartment (compartment 2) consists of tissues where the distribution of the drug is slower.

What is a 1 compartment model?

The one-compartment open model is the simplest way to describe the process of drug distribution and elimination in the body. This model assumes that the drug can enter or leave the body (ie, the model is “open”), and the entire body acts like a single, uniform compartment.

What is a two-compartment model of pharmacokinetics?

•  A drug that follows the pharmacokinetics of a two- compartment model does not equilibrate rapidly throughout the body, as is assumed for a one- compartment model. •  The central compartment represents the blood, extracellular fluid, and highly perfused tissues.

What is the difference between a compartment and a physiologic model?

• Physiologic models are complex and require more information for accurate prediction compared to compartment models. Missing information in the physiologic model will lead to bias or error in the model. Compartment models are more simplistic in that they assume that both arterial and venous drug concentrations are similar.

What are the assumptions of the two-compartment model?

The two-compartment model assumes that, at t = 0, no drug is in the tissue compartment. After an IV bolus injection, drug equilibrates rapidly in the central compartment. •  The distribution phase of the curve represents the initial, more rapid decline of drug from the central compartment into the tissue compartment (line a).

What is a multicompartment drug?

While this initial drug distribution is taking place, multicompartment drugs are delivered concurrently to one or more peripheral compartments composed of groups of tissues with lower blood perfusion and different affinity for the drug.