What is a minimum sum?


What is a minimum sum?

The minimum sum of a graph is the minimum, over all labelings of the vertices with distinct integers, of the sum of differences between all vertices connected by edges.

How do you find the minimum and maximum sum?

Simple Approach:

  1. Sort the array in ascending order.
  2. Sum of the first N-1 elements in the array gives the minimum possible sum.
  3. Sum of the last N-1 elements in the array gives the maximum possible sum.

What is minimum sum in an array?

Minimum sum = (sumOfArr – subSum) + (subSum/ X) where sumOfArr is the sum of all elements of the array and subSum is the maximum sum of the subarray.

What does CPF minimum sum mean?

CPF LIFE is the current incarnation of the Central Provident Fund’s retirement scheme. Previously, the retirement scheme was called the CPF Minimum Sum Scheme, later renamed as the CPF Retirement Sum Scheme. The old scheme is being phased out, so CPF LIFE will be the default scheme for most of us.

What is the basic retirement sum?

The Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) provides CPF members with monthly payouts to cover basic living expenses in retirement. The BRS is adjusted gradually so that payouts remain sufficient for basic living expenses for future cohorts of members.

What positive number added to its reciprocal gives the minimum sum?

The smallest sum of a number n and its reciprocal 1n is 2 which occurs when n=1 . Any other value of n will produce a larger sum.

How do you find the minimum of two integers?

This method shifts the subtraction of x and y by 31 (if size of integer is 32). If (x-y) is smaller than 0, then (x -y)>>31 will be 1. If (x-y) is greater than or equal to 0, then (x -y)>>31 will be 0. So if x >= y, we get minimum as y + (x-y)&0 which is y.

How do you find the minimum sum in Python?

Program to find minimum sum subsequence by taking at least one element from consecutive 3 elements in python

  1. n := size of nums.
  2. if n is same as 0, then. return 0.
  3. if n is same as 1, then.
  4. if n is same as 2, then.
  5. table := a list of size n and fill with 0.
  6. table[0] := nums[0]
  7. table[1] := nums[1]
  8. table[2] := nums[2]

How do you calculate Subarray size k?

Sum of all subarrays of size K

  1. Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, K = 3.
  2. Output: 6 9 12 15.
  3. Explanation: All subarrays of size k and their sum: Subarray 1: {1, 2, 3} = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Subarray 2: {2, 3, 4} = 2 + 3 + 4 = 9. Subarray 3: {3, 4, 5} = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12. Subarray 4: {4, 5, 6} = 4 + 5 + 6 = 15.