What is a chemical reaction BBC Bitesize?


What is a chemical reaction BBC Bitesize?

A chemical reaction is when one or more substances change and produce one or more new chemical substances. The substances that are involved in a chemical reaction and that are changed by it are called reactants. The substances that are produced by a chemical reaction are called products.

What are the 5 basic reactions in chemistry?

Chemical reactions involve changes – changes of reactants into products. Basic chemical reactions can be grouped into categories based on the types of changes that are occuring during the reaction. There are five basic categories – synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single replacement, and double replacement.

What is a chemical reaction ks2?

A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances are converted to one or more different substances. In the reaction, the atoms of the starting substances are rearranged, forming new substances that have different properties.

What is a chemical reaction GCSE?

Atoms are rearranged in a chemical reaction. The substances that: react together are called the reactants. are formed in the reaction are called the products.

What is a chemical reaction in biology?

noun, plural: chemical reactions. A process in which one or more substances (reactants) are chemically changed into one or more new substances (products). Chemical changes may involve motion of electrons in the forming and breaking of chemical bonds.

What is an example of a chemical reaction in science?

Evidence of chemical reactions includes a large temperature change, bubbles, or a colour change. Chemical reactions can be represented using equations. Watch this video to find out what happens to atoms in a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions. Compounds are chemical substances that contain more than one element.

What is formed in a chemical reaction?

Chemical reactions. Atoms are rearranged in a chemical reaction. The substances that: react together are called the reactants. are formed in the reaction are called the products. No atoms are created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.

What happens to the number of atoms in a reaction?

Atoms are rearranged during a chemical reaction, but the number of atoms does not change. Evidence of chemical reactions includes a large temperature change, bubbles, or a colour change. Chemical reactions can be represented using equations.

How are chemical reactions represented using equations?

Chemical reactions can be represented using equations. Catalysts speed up reactions without being used up. Atoms are rearranged in a chemical reaction. The substances that: No atoms are created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. This means that the total mass of the reactants is the same as the total mass of the products.