What information does Elizabeth not report to John?


What information does Elizabeth not report to John?

What information does Elizabeth NOT report to John? That she doesn’t believe that a woman could be a witch/possessed by the devil. Why does Proctor say he is reluctant to go to Salem and tell what Abigail said to him? How was Mary Warren changed during this act?

Who accused everyone in the crucible?

Many people were accused of witchcraft in The Crucible including Tituba, Giles Corey, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Goody Osborne, Goody Good and John Proctor. In addition to these accused, the court signed death warrants for many others.

Why will Goody Osburn hang but not goody good?

Many people have been accused of witchcraft, forming a court of 4 judges. Why does the court decide to hang Goody Osburn but not Sarah Good? Because Goody Osburn did not confess to witchcraft whereas Sarah Good did.

Why does Mrs Putnam assume witchcraft is affecting her child Ruth?

Mrs. Putnam knows what Ruth was doing because she asked Ruth to go to Tituba to raise her children from the dead. She admits that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits only to save Betty from being accused of witchcraft. Abigail treats the other girls badly, but treats her uncle good and with respect.

Why does Mrs Putnam believe there are witches and how is her sending her daughter ironic?

It is easier to place the blame on someone else rather than to accept that it is just bad luck (which the Puritans didn’t really believe in anyway) or something, somehow worse. Ann Putnam has sent her daughter Ruth to get Tituba to conjure the spirits of her seven dead babies.

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused?

What does Elizabeth realize when she finds out that she has been accused? That Abigail wants her dead so she can have John. She wants John to go to Salem and tell the court what Abigail had said to him about the incident in the woods. Why does Reverend Hale visit the Proctors?

How does Mrs Putnam interpret her babies deaths and her daughter’s illness?

Putnam interpret her babies’ deaths and her daughter’s illness? Mrs. Putnam interprets both incidents as something strange, unnatural, and a punishment, even though she has done nothing wrong. Abigail drank blood to kill John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth Proctor.

What happens to Elizabeth at the end of Act II?

They find a needle in the doll Mary gave Elizabeth that corresponds to the needle that Elizabeth’s familiar spirit supposedly used to stab Abigail. Elizabeth goes with them peacefully after realizing she can’t prove her innocence. John angrily insists that Mary must tell the court Abigail is lying.