What does vigorously mean?


What does vigorously mean?

: in a vigorous manner : with force and energy He vigorously denied the accusations. In a medium bowl, vigorously stir together the remaining ingredients, except for the pine nuts, to make the filling.—

What does walking gingerly mean?

Before it came to mean “extremely cautiously” in 1600, gingerly meant “elegantly, daintily.” In fact, it stems from the Latin word gentius, meaning “(well)-born.” But today it has less to do with elegance and more to do with a delicate touch, usually used to avoid hurting something or someone.

What is the correct meaning of the word temperament?

1a : characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response a nervous temperament. b : extremely high sensibility especially : excessive sensitiveness or irritability.

What is chronology used for?

Chronology, any method used to order time and to place events in the sequence in which they occurred.

What is chronology short answer?

The definition of chronology refers to the way events unfolded or were arranged in time. Chronology is the science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time. Consider, for example, the use of a timeline or sequence of events. It is also “the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events”.

What is spatial order used for?

Also known as order of place or space structure, spatial order describes things as they appear when observed. In descriptions of places and objects, spatial order determines the perspective from which readers observe details.

What does the root Greg mean?

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2021. -greg- , root. -greg- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “group; flock. ” This meaning is found in such words as: aggregate, congregate, desegregate, gregarious, segregate.

What does time order mean?

Time order means putting your ideas in the order in which they happened. When you are writing about a past event you need to use time order. You begin with the first thing that happened, then tell the second thing that happened, and then the third thing.

What is order of importance in writing?

Ideas or steps are prioritized by the writer or speaker according to a hierarchy of value. When using the order of importance pattern of organization, information can be structured from most important to least important or least important to most important.

What does Bombaclat mean?

bombaclat meaning: back before the use of tampons, women used cloths to hold their excrement after their period. So Bomba is referring to their Bum, and Clat is Cloth. Bum Cloth, a rude sayin in countries where this term is used. Talk:Bombaclat – Rap Dictionary.

What type of word is bombarded?

verb (used with object) to attack or batter with artillery fire. to attack with bombs.

What is time order called?

Chronological order is listing, describing, or discussing when events happened as they relate to time. It is like looking at a timeline to view what occurred first and what happened after that. Chronological order is not just limited to history.

What does unfathomably mean?

adjective. not able to be fathomed, or completely understood; incomprehensible: heroism in the face of unfathomable conflict.

What is the effect of telling the story in chronological order?

A linear or chronological structure is where the story is told in the order it happens. With a chronological or linear structure, the reader finds out what happens in the ‘correct’ order – this can lead the reader through events clearly. It may not be the most interesting way to tell a story, though.

What does spatial mean in writing?

How would we define spatial order? It’s a principle of descriptive writing when items are arranged in the order of their physical location or correlation. This structural order in descriptive paragraphs determines the readers’ perspective and how details are perceived. Focus is on location; time is ignored.

Which example is presented in chronological order?

Answer Expert Verified The word chronological means the listing of events that happened starting from the earliest to the most recent. From the given choices, the example of presenting events in chronological order is the timeline of events that lead to the Civil War.

What does gingerly mean?

: very cautious or careful … loose, exfoliated rock, into which he hammered pitons with the gingerly care of a carpenter finishing cabinets.—

What does rued mean?

verb (used with object), rued, ru·ing. to feel sorrow over; repent of; regret bitterly: to rue the loss of opportunities. to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place, etc.: I rue the day he was born.

What does cumbersome mean?

heavy, weighty, ponderous, cumbrous, cumbersome mean having great weight. heavy implies that something has greater density or thickness than the average of its kind or class.

What is the word root of chronology?

Khronos is the Greek word for “time” and that’s where chronology comes from. If a movie has a lot of flashbacks or doesn’t tell a story straight through from beginning to end, you might have to give it some thought in order to put together a chronology of events.

What does sequence mean?

noun. the following of one thing after another; succession. order of succession: a list of books in alphabetical sequence. a continuous or connected series: a sonnet sequence. something that follows; a subsequent event; result; consequence.

What are the 4 types of temperament?

According to Galen, the imbalance of pairs resulted in one of the four temperament categories (or personality types): sanguine (being optimistic and social), choleric (being short-tempered and irritable), melancholic (being analytical and quiet), and phlegmatic (being relaxed and peaceful).

What does bombarded mean?

bombarded; bombarding; bombards. Definition of bombard (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to attack especially with artillery or bombers. 2 : to assail vigorously or persistently (as with questions)

What is an alternative to chronological order?

Nonlinear narrative, disjointed narrative or disrupted narrative is a narrative technique, sometimes used in literature, film, hypertext websites and other narratives, where events are portrayed, for example, out of chronological order or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern of …

What is the difference between a topical order and spatial order?

A speech organized topically has main points organized more randomly by sub-topics. Most speeches that are not organized chronologically, spatially, or causally are organized topically.