What does tea cake do to keep Janie from running away?


What does tea cake do to keep Janie from running away?

Tea Cake holds on to her wrists to keep her from escaping. Janie wants Tea Cake to insult Nunkie for her, so that she can “crow” over Nunkie.

What secret does Janie Share with tea cake after he returns her money?

Hours pass, and Tea Cake doesn’t return. Then, Janie discovers her secret stash of $200 is missing. The image of an Eatonville widow named Mrs. Tyler jumps into Janie’s mind.

Why did Janie let tea cake hit her?

Tea Cake begins to identify Janie as his possession. Because he feels threatened after Janie meets Mrs. Turner’s fault that he hit Janie because she sent her brother “tuh bait Janie in and take her away from me.” Beating Janie stems from Tea Cake’s need to control her, his jealousy, and the fear of losing his wife.

How does Their Eyes Were Watching God start?

The novel begins with Janie telling her dear friend, Pheoby, about what has happened in the years since she left Eatonville, along with reflections of her childhood. As the story proceeds chronologically, however, the story is not a first-person narrative.

Does Janie get rabies?

Janie does not get rabies, there is no evidence of that in the story. She returns home because she did not want to remain in the Everglades without him.

What is tea cake’s favorite dish?

baked beans

What are the themes of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes

  • Gender Roles and Relations.
  • Voice, Language and Storytelling.
  • Desire, Love, and Independence.
  • Power, Judgment, and Jealousy.
  • Race and Racism.

What is the point of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God is the story of how Janie achieves a strong sense of self and comes to appreciate her independence. But her journey toward enlightenment is not undertaken alone.

Why does tea cake have to die?

He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. Because of this, Janie is forced to kill the man she loves to put him out of his rabies-induced misery. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

What happened just before tea cake died?

Tea Cake came home complaining of a headache. He had rabies, and that he had almost no chance to recover. Janie held Tea Cake in her arms and wept and silently thanked him for the time they had together. Tea Cake bit her on the arm just before he died.

Did Tea Cake have to die?

He was the one that finally opened Janie’s eyes to a world that she could come to love and respect. He was her hero, but he is not treated with a hero’s glorious death. Instead, he is reduced to insanity because of a rabies bite from a stray dog caught up in the hurricane. That in itself is why Tea Cake had to die.

What did the doctor tell Janie after he examined tea cake?

He had a headache and a fever, his throat was closed up and he couldn’t swallow anything, not even water. What did the doctor tell Janie after he examined tea-cake? He said tea-cake had rabies. And that he had almost no chance to recover.