What does Shylock do early in scene?


What does Shylock do early in scene?

(ii) What does Shylock want the jailor to do early in the scene? How does he react to Anotonio’s request to listen to him? Answer: Shylock wants the jailor to watch Antonio closely lest he should escape. He reacts angrily to Antonio’s request to listen to him.

What Venetian law did Shylock break?

Thus she, like Shylock, decides to stand on the absolute letter of Venetian law: Shylock may indeed claim “a pound of flesh, to be by him cut off / Nearest the merchant’s heart.” She can declare this, knowing full well that Shylock’s knife will never touch Antonio.

How does the Duke describe Shylock in Act 4 Scene 1?

The duke of Venice greets Antonio and expresses pity for him, calling Shylock an inhuman monster who can summon neither pity nor mercy.

Who has God like Amity?

These words are spoken by Lorenzo in Act III scene IV of The Merchant of Venice to Portia, a rich heiress in Belmont. Lorenzo describes the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio as God-like.

What has Shylock said earlier about Antonio’s ventures?

At this Bassanio consoles him saying that he (Shylock) should be assured that there is no risk to money he (Shylock) is going to lend him (Bassanio). About Antonio’s ventures, Shylock says that Antonio has invested all his capital in trading by sea-going ships.

How did Portia plead Shylock?

Portia orders Shylock to beg for the duke’s mercy. The duke declares that he will show mercy: he spares Shylock’s life and demands only a fine, rather than half of the Jew’s estate. Shylock claims that they may as well take his life, as it is worthless without his estate.

Who saved the life of Antonio?

Portia saves Antonios life by: When they both go there, Portia uses her clever wit to save Antonio. she says that sure, the words are “a pound of flesh” but she analyzes the bond and quickly finds out that there is blood written so she uses that as a advantage against Shylock and wins the case.

Who Is the Real Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock….

The Merchant of Venice
Original language English
Series First Folio
Subject Debt
Genre Shakespearean comedy

WHO praises Portia in the beginning of this scene?

At Belmont, following the departure of Bassanio, Lorenzo commends Portia for her perfect understanding of the friendship between her husband and Antonio.