What does Kolanut do to the body?


What does Kolanut do to the body?

Aid to digestion: Kola nut powder and extract may help digestion. They are thought to promote the production of gastric acid, which increases digestive enzyme effectiveness in the stomach. Increase in circulation: The caffeine and theobromine in the kola nut may speed up the heart rate, which increases circulation.

What are the benefits of gotu kola?

Historically, gotu kola has also been used to treat syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever, and asthma. Today, in the U.S. and Europe gotu kola is most often used to treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, a condition where blood pools in the legs.

What does bitter kola and honey do to the body?

Honey and bitter kola are used both for the treatment of a sore throat and coarse voice, stimulating mucus, they soften the dry throat. The mixture of these two useful products is also used for the treatment of acne due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the benefit of bitter kola for woman?

8. Helps pregnancy: Bitter kola contrary to what some may believe, actually has been said to be helpful and useful in and for pregnant women, as it helps in combating nausea and vomiting, making the uterus healthier, supplies strength to the expectant mother and normalizes circulation of blood also.

Is kola nut a drug?

They are drugs that increase the activities of the sympathetic nervous system and produce a sense of euphoria. They include substances such as caffeine (coffee, kola nut, proplus etc), cocaine, theophylin, khat, etc. Of these, the most widely consumed in the world is caffeine.

Is kola nut good for the liver?

Moreover, the toxicology expert declared that kolaviron in animal studies is protective of liver problems, adding “it has been used to treat cirrhosis of the liver in an herbal home. From series of studies, we have been able to show that bitter kola and its extract are actually liver protective.

What is the kola nut traditionally used for?

Kola nuts are traditionally chewed to reduce hunger and fatigue, aid digestion, and remedy hangovers. They can also be dried and boiled to make a tea. Though fresh kola nuts are widely available for sale in West Africa, in the U.S. you’re more likely to encounter it in the form of an extract.

Can I take gotu kola every day?

The herbal remedy had a positive effect on certain elements of behavioral depression, including body weight, body temperature, and heart rate. How to use: Take 500 mg of gotu kola twice a day for up to 14 days at a time. You can take up to 2,000 mg per day during times of intensified depression.

Can I eat bitter kola everyday?

It is recommended that a person takes two bitter kola nuts every day. This bitter kola dose is enough to replenish your energy and improve your health. Should you want to maintain a healthy life naturally, try eating two bitter kola nuts a day.

Does bitter kola boost immune system?

Immunity System Bitter kola has a high amount of antioxidant. This high amount of antioxidants found in bitter kola helps the body to increase its immunity level. When the immunity level of the body is increased, it becomes strong enough to fight against any foreign contaminant.