What does it mean if your toes are double-jointed?


What does it mean if your toes are double-jointed?

“When people use the phrase ‘double-jointed,’ it doesn’t mean that they have an extra set of joints. Generally, it means that they have hyperlaxity or hypermobility in their joints,” Dr. Delaney said. “Hyperlaxity” means that the ligaments that support your joints have more stretchiness (called “elasticity”).

How common are double-jointed toes?

Hypermobility (more commonly called being double-jointed) affects about 20% of people. An orthopaedic surgeon explains the cause and when hypermobility can be a problem.

How do you know if you have double-jointed toes?

Symptoms of joint hypermobility syndrome

  1. pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles – particularly towards the end of the day and after physical activity.
  2. clicking joints.
  3. back and neck pain.
  4. fatigue (extreme tiredness)
  5. night pains – which can disrupt your sleep.
  6. poor co-ordination.

Can you have double-jointed feet?

In the medical field, double-jointedness is called hypermobility and, while it might seem cool as a kid, as you grow and your body changes, hypermobility can greatly affect your feet and ankles. What is hypermobility? Hypermobility means that your joints over-flex beyond the normal range of motion.

Is being double-jointed dominant or recessive?

Double Jointed Thumb (Hitcher’s Thumb): If you have double jointed thumbs, you have the dominant gene (J-). If you do not have double jointed thumbs, you are recessive (jj).

Is being double-jointed linked to ADHD?

ADHD is also associated with generalised joint hypermobility: One study reported generalised hypermobility in 32% of 54 ADHD patients, compared to 14% of controls.

Is being double-jointed a mutation?

Joint hypermobility can be present in a mild form in MFS, caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene, and in OI, caused by mutations in the genes encoding type I collagen, quantitatively the most important member of the family of fibrillary collagens.

Can toes be Hypermobile?

Joints of the feet in the rearfoot, midfoot and great toe joints typically display more motion than normally expected. It is important that people with hypermobility in 4 or more joints talk to their family doctor as there may be a genetic link behind it.