What does Abigail say about Elizabeth?


What does Abigail say about Elizabeth?

Abigail says that Elizabeth Proctor hates her and is a “lying, cold, sniveling woman.” Abigail also blames Elizabeth for firing her, even though she was having an affair with Elizabeth’s husband at the time.

What is life like in Salem in Act 4?

What is the condition of Salem at this point? Salem is in bad condition because so many people are in jail. Cows roam free and people are fighting over who they belong to (Miller 125). Many of the town’s people are no longer in favor of all the hangings.

What does it mean when Betty can’t stand to hear the Lord’s name?

What does it mean when Betty can’t stand to hear the Lord’s name? To those who believe in witchcraft, it means that she is possessed by the Devil and that is why she can’t stand to hear the Lord’s name. He is a minister from Beverly, Massachusetts and is widely educated about witchcraft and the unknown world.

Who is to blame in Act 1 of The Crucible?

In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the main character Abigail Williams is to blame for the 1692 witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. Abigail is a mean and vindictive person who always wants her way, no matter who she hurts.

Why is Reverend Hale at the jail in Act 4?

Reverend Hale comes to the jail to try to save John Proctor from going to the gallows. He hopes to either convince Proctor to confess and save himself or convince Elizabeth to persuade Proctor to confess. However, Hale’s earlier zeal and belief in the accusations of witchcraft lead to John Proctor’s death sentence.

What happened in Andover Act 4?

The people in the nearby town of Andover, Massachusetts revolted against the court for the witch trials. Just like in Salem, people were falsely accused of witchcraft and were imprisoned. The people in Andover, however, rebelled against the court. Judge Danforth fears that happening in Salem.

Who comes to Proctor in jail?


What time of day does ACT 4 Open the Crucible?

Act 4 opens at night time. This time of day could foreshadow that problems may arise soon. 2. Hathorne says Parris looks mad these days.