What are the six major classes of living molluscs?


What are the six major classes of living molluscs?

6 Main Classes of Phylum Mollusca | Zoology

  • Class # 1. Monoplacophora:
  • Class # 2. Amphineura:
  • Class # 3. Gastropoda:
  • Class # 4. Scaphopoda:
  • Class # 5. Pelecypoda or Bivalvia or Lamellibranchiata:
  • Class # 6. Cephalopoda:

What is the class of Mollusca?

Snails and Slugs: Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda.

What type of symmetry is Mollusca?

bilateral symmetry
Mollusks have bilateral symmetry. – The two halves of the body mirror each other. Gastropods (snails) ~ eat with a radula (tiny tongue covered with teeth.

What are the 8 classes of Mollusca?

The Phylum Mollusca consist of 8 classes: 1) the Monoplacophora discovered in 1977; 2) the worm-like Aplacophora or solenogasters of the deep sea; 3) the also worm-like Caudofoveata; 4) the Polyplacophora, or chitons; 5) the Pelecypoda or bivalves; 6) the Gastropoda or snails; 7) the Scaphopoda, or tusk shells; and 8) …

What are the four main classes of Mollusca?

The major classes of living mollusks include gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods (Figure below).

  • Gastropods. Gastropods include snails and slugs. They use their foot to crawl.
  • Bivalves. Bivalves include clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels.
  • Cephalopods. Cephalopods include the octopus and squid.

What are the 3 classes of phylum Mollusca?

Mollusks are subdivided into seven classes with most species found in three of those classes: Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and Cephalopoda.

What are the 8 classes of phylum Mollusca?

What are Scaphopoda shells?

The Scaphopoda are small but interesting class of molluscs. Their common name is Tusk Shells because the curved, hollow and cylindrical shells resemble small tusks. One of the most distinctive aspect of the Scaphopodan shell is that it is a cylinder and open at both ends.

How many captacula does a scaphopda have?

The scaphopda possess numerous unique organs called captacula around their mouth. The actual number varies between species ranging from 30 to 300 (and can vary between individuals to a lesser amount). These captacula are long thin filaments with a bulbous head, or distal end.

What is the size of a scaphopod?

Scaphopods are relatively small molluscs ranging in size from around 5 mm in shell length to 19 cm in shell length. The tusk shells appear to be the most recently evolved of the molluscan classes.

How closely related are Scaphopoda to other molluscs?

The scaphopoda are generally considered to be most closely related to the cephalopoda. However the exact relationship of the scaphopoda to other molluscan classes is still uncertain and hopefully we will know more in the future.