What are the NAR Code of Ethics protected classes?


What are the NAR Code of Ethics protected classes?

The Standard of Practice is based on very particular types of speech that are directly connected to the protected classes of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity under Article 10.

Which of these groups of protected classes is included in the NAR Code of Ethics definition of discriminatory behavior?

NAR opposes discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and national origin.

What is Article 10 of the NAR Code of Ethics?

Article 10 prohibits REALTORS® from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity in the provision of professional services and in employment practices.

Which of the following categories is specifically protected under the federal Fair Housing Act?

Race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin. Although some interest groups have tried to lobby to include sexual orientation and marital status, these aren’t protected classes under the federal law, but are sometimes protected by certain local state fair housing laws.

Who has the duty to enforce the Code of Ethics?

The enforcement of the Code is handled mainly by the local REALTORS® associations. Real estate is one of the few industries that have a Code of Ethics that is enforced. Many industry codes of ethics are aspirational in nature and are not enforced by the organization sponsoring the code.

What is Article 2 of the Code of Ethics?

Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in the practice of his profession.

Who is subject to the Code of Ethics?

Those who are subject to the Code of Ethics include Corporate Executives, External Collaborators, Partners, and in any case, all those who operate under the direction and supervision of the Company, as well as the shareholders of the Company itself.

What is Article 11 of the Code of Ethics?

ARTICLE XI – THE TEACHER AS A PERSON a human being endowed with life for which it is the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.

What group does Indiana Civil Rights law add to the classes protected by federal fair housing and civil rights regulations?

The majority of civil rights laws come from the federal government, particularly those resulting from the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition to race, gender, and other classes protected by federal law, Indiana civil rights laws also prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and ancestry.

Which of the following classes is not protected under the Fair Housing Act of 1968?

Race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin. Although some interest groups have tried to lobby to include sexual orientation and marital status, these aren’t protected classes under the federal law, but are sometimes protected by certain local state fair housing laws. 4.