What are the 9 text structures?


What are the 9 text structures?

Examples of text structures include: sequence/process, description, time order/chronology, proposition/support, compare/contrast, problem/solution, cause/effect, inductive/deductive, and investigation.

What is sequence description?

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers . The three dots mean to continue forward in the pattern established. Each number in the sequence is called a term. In the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …, 1 is the first term, 3 is the second term, 5 is the third term, and so on.

How can I learn creative writing?

If you’re looking to get those creative juices flowing and improve the way you write, read some of the following writing tips below:

  1. Read, read, read.
  2. Always be writing.
  3. Have a point of view.
  4. Use literary devices.
  5. Know your audience.
  6. Start writing.
  7. Embrace rewriting.
  8. Try a writing workshop.

What are different writing techniques?

There are four different types of writing techniques:

  • Descriptive writing style.
  • Narrative writing style.
  • Persuasive writing style.
  • Expository writing style.

What is a text structure?

Text structures refer to the way authors organize information in text. Recognizing the underlying structure of texts can help students focus attention on key concepts and relationships, anticipate what is to come, and monitor their comprehension as they read. TEXT STRUCTURE.

What are the two major parts of the text?


  • Introduction. The introduction prepares the reader for the content and structure of your text.
  • Main part. The main part of the text comprises an analysis and discussion of the issue or topic.
  • Conclusion. The conclusion ends the text.
  • Introduction.
  • Main part.
  • Conclusion.

What is the sequence of events in a story?

The plot is the sequence of events in a story. Each event causes or leads to the next. Events of the plot reveal a problem called the conflict. The situation and the characters involved are revealed in the exposition of the plot.

What are the major text types?

Broadly speaking, there are two main text types, factual and literary. Within these are many more narrowly defined text types. Factual text types include such types as factual description, recount, or persuasive. Literary text types include such types as poetry, narrative or personal response.

What are the elements of creative writing?

Suspense and conflict, figures of speech and points of view, rhyme and rhythm, setting and scene, form and structure, diction and dialog, exposition and narration, plot and theme, assonance and consonance, induction and deduction, line breaks and stanzas: these are just some of the elements of creative writing.

How do I know the text type?

The type of a texts depend on their purpose, structure and language features. One of the most commonly used classification text materials is that one based on text’s purpose and meaning….Types of TEXTS

  1. Expository texts.
  2. Narrative texts, and.
  3. Argumentative texts.

What is a sequence text structure?

Sequence / Process: Similar to chronological texts, this structure puts items in order, but with an eye to explaining the way something should be done. This is often seen in lab reports and how-to pieces. Key words include time markers like “first,” and “next” as well as “how” and “why.”

What are the four types of texts How can identify each?

Answer: Factual texts merely seek to inform, whereas literary texts seek to entertain or otherwise engage the reader by using creative language and imagery. There are many aspects to literary writing, and many ways to analyse it, but four basic categories are descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative.

What is text PPT?

2. Definition and Identification:Text  A text can be defined as an actual use of language, as distinct from a sentence which is an abstract unit of linguistic analysis.  We identify a piece of language as a text as soon as we recognize that it has been produced for a communicative purpose.