What are some good questions to ask college admissions?


What are some good questions to ask college admissions?

Questions to Ask College Admissions Officers

  • How does your college help students secure employment?
  • What percentage of students obtain internships?
  • Could you talk about the advantages associated with being part of the college’s alumni network?
  • Where do graduates continue their education?
  • How does your college differ from other comparable colleges?

How do you ask questions examples?

Here’s how to ask great questions:

  1. Limit the actual question to one sentence.
  2. Provide options in the question only if those truly are the only options.
  3. Don’t shade the question.
  4. Follow the same principles for follow-up questions.
  5. Talk as little as possible.

What are the 3 types of interview questions?

Situational, competency-based and behavioural questions – how to tell them apart. To keep things really simple to start with, this table breaks down the three types of interview questions you’re likely to encounter – and explains why they are asked.

What to say when interviewer asks if you have any questions?

The best questions will come as a result of listening to the questions the interviewer asks you. A good response to the interviewer asking, “Do you have any questions?” would be: “Yes, I do. From what you’ve been asking during the interview, it sounds like you have a problem with customer retention.

How can I impress interviewer?

How to Impress an Interviewer

  1. “Tell me about yourself.” Don’t describe yourself. Just give them a short (two-minute maximum) synopsis of your professional career.
  2. “What are your strengths?” Don’t give your opinion.
  3. “Tell me about a time when…” You should answer virtually every behavioral interview question like this in the same format.

Should you share your salary with a recruiter?

If the candidate reveals their salary early on in the conversation then the recruiter will know right away that you won’t be a fit for the position. If you refuse to reveal your salary, then not only are you wasting your own time, but you’re also wasting the recruiter’s time.

What kind of questions are on a college application?

Interview with College Admissions: Questions They May Ask You

  • Why do you want to attend this college?
  • What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?
  • What extracurricular activities were you involved with in high school?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Who is your biggest role model?

When should you ask about salary?

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to wait until the hiring manager brings up the topic. Best case scenario, a company lists the position’s salary range on the job posting, and you can use that to best determine if the job and starting salary fit your needs before you even apply.

Can HR ask your previous employer salary?

Employers can’t ask for salary history. An employer can confirm salary if the applicant gives a pay history to support a higher salary when a job is offered. Employers can’t ask about previous pay or benefits. If they already have that information, they’re can’t use it to set pay.

Can you ask a recruiter about salary?

You can absolutely ask a recruiter for a job’s pay rage before you apply to it. In asking this question, you’re actually doing recruiters a favor by saving everyone time—yours, theirs and the hiring team’s. But I caution against not applying for a job with a recruiter based on salary alone.

What should you not say in an interview?

7 Things Not To Say in a Job Interview [Guest Blog]

  • Don’t mention money.
  • Don’t badmouth your current company.
  • Don’t be cocky.
  • Don’t apologise for being early.
  • Don’t use bad language.
  • Don’t tell them you’re nervous.
  • Don’t be too shy to ask questions.

What to know about a college before applying?

9 Things You Should Research Before Applying

  • 1) Availability of your College Major.
  • 2) Availability of Professors Teaching the Course.
  • 3) Student/Faculty Ratio.
  • 4) Percentage of Students Who Graduate in 4 Years.
  • 5) Quality of the Career Placement Department.
  • 6) The Total Cost of College – Know it or be prepared to overpay.
  • 7) Number of Course Requirements.

How do you stand out in college application process?

10 ways to make your college applications stand out

  1. Make your essays vivid.
  2. Manage your online presence.
  3. Buddy up with your regional admissions rep.
  4. Check in regularly with admissions — it works in your favor.
  5. Show that you’ve done your research.
  6. If you can’t visit, reach out to student leaders.
  7. Include supplemental materials that demonstrate your hobbies and passions.

What do you say when a recruiter asks about salary?

Diplomatically turn the question around Whether salary requirements come up during a phone vetting or at the start of your first video interview with the employer, you can smile and say: “I’d like to learn more about the position and the duties, and what the team’s like, before discussing money.

Why do recruiters ask for your current salary?

You want a fair salary, one that reflects value for the effort, expertise and time you’re going to invest in your new role. Likewise, your new company also wants value – from you. They want to feel that they’re getting a great employee that provides impact relative to the cost.

What are the 5 most commonly asked interview questions?

Here are the five most common interview questions, and how you can answer them like a boss:

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Why are you interested in this job?
  • What would you say are your greatest strengths?
  • What do you think are your biggest weaknesses?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?

What should I put as my desired salary?

What to Put for Desired Salary on Job Applications. The best way to answer desired salary or salary expectations on a job application is to leave the field blank or write ‘Negotiable’ rather than providing a number. If the application won’t accept non-numerical text, then enter “999,” or “000”.

Is getting a college interview a good sign?

Some colleges will “strongly recommend” interviews, without actually requiring them. To summarize, in general being offered an interview is not a good indication of the status of your application. Furthermore, interviews will only rarely be a determining factor in your admissions process.

How do you email salary expectations?

You can write something in the email like, “Negotiable based on the benefits package.” For instance, if the position offers health benefits that would normally cost you $2,000 per year, you’ll need to calculate that into your expected salary.

Do recruiters lie about salary?

Recruiters and hiring managers often refuse to divulge the salary range up front. Candidates may be told the salary range is not set, which is usually a lie, or they may be redirected when this question comes up, which may not be a lie so much as an omission of information.

Do you have any questions for me best answer?

How to Prepare an Answer to “Do You Have Any Questions For Me?”

  • Focus on your future role. Ask questions about your (possible) future role in the company.
  • Ask (business-related) personal questions.
  • Be prepared with several questions.
  • Research the company.
  • Practice beforehand.

What’s your salary expectation?

Say you’re flexible. You can try to skirt the question with a broad answer, such as, “My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications.” Or, “If this is the right job for me, I’m sure we can come to an agreement on salary.” This will show that you’re willing to negotiate.

What are 10 good interview questions?

Answers to 10 most common job interview questions

  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What are your goals?
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job?
  • When were you most satisfied in your job?
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

What questions should I ask from interviewer?

Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

  • Tell me something about yourself that others may be surprised to know about you.
  • If there were something in your past you were able to go back and do differently, what would that be?
  • Tell me about a time you had a difficult working relationship with a colleague.
  • Tell me your biggest success story related to [skill].