Is worsen a word?


Is worsen a word?

worsen. To become lower in quality, character, or condition: atrophy, decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, retrograde, sink.

How do you describe a bad person in one word?

Aloof — He’s unfriendly, cold and distant. Impolite — He’s rude. Inconsiderate — He does things that hurt or annoy you without thinking about your feelings. Thoughtless — The same as “inconsiderate.”

How do you use the word worsen?

It may worsen with movement of the involved muscles. The child has symptoms that continue to worsen after one week. Untreated malocclusions often worsen with time. Pregnancy can cause their symptoms to worsen significantly and lead to severe complications for the mother and the baby.

What is a stronger word for horrible?

SYNONYMS FOR horrible 1 terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent.

What type of word is horrific?


What is the verb of worse?

worsen. (transitive) To make worse; to impair. (intransitive) To become worse; to get worse. (transitive, obsolete) To get the better of; to worst.

What adjective is worst?

adjective, superlative of bad and ill, withworse as comparative. bad or ill in the highest, greatest, or most extreme degree: the worst person. most faulty, unsatisfactory, or objectionable: the worst paper submitted. most unfavorable or injurious.

What do you call a bad kid?

contumacious. Contumacious and recalcitrant are synonyms. They mean willfully disobedient, rebellious.

What’s the opposite of terrible?

What is the opposite of terrible?

wonderful astonishing
incredible exceptional
spectacular wondrous
admirable magnificent
phenomenal splendid

What is a word worse than horrible?

SYNONYMS. nasty, disagreeable, unpleasant, horrid, awful, dreadful, terrible, appalling, horrendous, disgusting, foul, revolting, repulsive, repellent, ghastly. obnoxious, hateful, odious, objectionable, offensive, insufferable, vile, loathsome, abhorrent. informal frightful, lousy, godawful, hellish.

What is a better word for worse?

In this page you can discover 43 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for worse, like: deteriorated, harder, graver, worsened, , more evil, better, severer, riskier, poor and less good.

Is feeling horrible?

You can call something horrible when it causes you to feel great shock, fear, and disgust. Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth.

Is Badder a word?

(nonstandard or obsolete) Comparative form of bad: more bad; worse.

What type of adverb is worse?


Adverb Comparative Superlative
badly worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest
little less least
well better best

What is the verb form of worse?

make verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
worse worsing worsed

What is another word for terrible?

SYNONYMS FOR terrible 3 fearful, frightful, appalling, dire, horrible, horrifying, terrifying, horrendous, horrid.

What can I say instead of third?

What is another word for third?

triple threefold
ternary ternate
trichotomous trinal
trine trinitarian
pyramidal trichotomic

What is the synonym and antonym of terrible?

ˈtɛrəbəl) Exceptionally bad or displeasing. Synonyms. bad awful abominable painful unspeakable atrocious dreadful. Antonyms. good unimpressive irreverent noble unafraid.

What does the word horrible mean?

1 : marked by or arousing painful and intense fear, dread, dismay, or aversion : marked by or arousing horror a horrible accident. 2 : extremely bad or unpleasant a horrible mistake horrible food. Other Words from horrible Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about horrible.

What does curtail mean?

transitive verb. : to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part curtail the power of the executive branch curtail inflation Some school activities are being curtailed due to a lack of funds.