How would you describe a carefree person?


How would you describe a carefree person?

unworried, untroubled, blithe, airy, nonchalant, insouciant, happy-go-lucky, free and easy, easy-going, blasé, devil-may-care, casual, relaxed, serene. cheerful, cheery, happy, merry, jolly, joyful, gleeful, glad. bright, sunny, buoyant, vivacious, bubbly, bouncy, breezy, jaunty, frisky.

What is another word for carefree?

synonyms for carefree breezy. cheerful. cheery. happy. happy-go-lucky.

What is the antonym and synonym of carefree?

happy-go-lucky, slaphappy, harum-scarum, raffish, silly, freewheeling, punch-drunk, rakish, devil-may-care, unworried. Antonyms: responsible, troubled.

What do you call someone who is nonchalant?

Some common synonyms of nonchalant are collected, composed, cool, imperturbable, and unruffled. While all these words mean “free from agitation or excitement,” nonchalant stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern.

What do you call someone who is always positive?

optimistic Add to list Share. An optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it’s not likely. Someone who’s a tad too confident this way is also sometimes called optimistic.

What do you call someone who is always happy and smiling?

Cheerfuland Cheery Means that someone is happy and optimistic. They are so happy that it can be visibly seen on their face and in their demeanor. Cheerful people are usually always smiling.

What do you call a person who is always happy?

Pollyanna. noun. old-fashioned someone who is always very happy and believes that only good things will happen.

Is being carefree good?

Being carefree is a positive thing. So to review – being careless is negative, it means not giving the necessary attention or thought to your words/actions. And being carefree is positive; it means feeling nice and light, without stress, worries, or heavy obligations.

What does a carefree life mean?

A carefree person or period of time doesn’t have or involve any problems, worries, or responsibilities.

What does the expression careworn mean?

Definition of careworn : showing the effect of grief or anxiety a careworn face.

What does it mean to be carefree?

To be carefree is to have ownership of your sexuality and body. Care is a general term that could mean healing, to acknowledge, or to minister to. Healing is vital to being carefree. Removing toxic people from your life and discontinuing bad behaviors is probably the foundation of being carefree. It’s all about growth.

What is a sentence with the word carefree?

– The act of taking care or taking charge of something. – Synonyms: – Examples:

What is another word for uncaring attitude?

– I try to be more optimistic, think… – It is an uncaring adult who fails to respond appropriately and society should be wary of making children untouchable. – I try to be more optimistic, think… – Environmental issues on land go beyond just the simple land pollution caused by uncaring folks throwing trash out of their car windows.

What does the word carefree mean?

without thought or regard; carefree; heedless: a blithe indifference to anyone’s feelings. joyous, merry, or happy in disposition; glad; cheerful: Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit.