How old are submariners?


How old are submariners?

Submarines were first built by Dutch inventor Cornelius van Drebel in the early 17th century, but it was not until 150 years later that they were first used in naval combat.

What is the longest time someone has been in a submarine?

The longest submerged and unsupported patrol made public is 111 days (57,085 km 30,804 nautical miles) by HM Submarine Warspite (Cdr J. G. F. Cooke RN) in the South Atlantic from 25 November 1982 to 15 March 1983.

How old is the oldest submarine?

1. Drebbel: 1620-1624. British mathematician William Bourne made some of the earliest known plans for a submarine around 1578, but the world’s first working prototype was built in the 17th century by Cornelius Drebbel, a Dutch polymath and inventor in the employ of the British King James I.

How old is a submarine captain?

They range in age from 29 or 30 years old to late 30s. Once an officer becomes a principal warfare officer for submarines — normally their third sea job — their commanding officer will write both an annual appraisal and a specific report on their suitability to take the Perisher course.

How did old submarines get oxygen?

There no plants to recycle CO2 either, so everything has to be done using some impressive technologies. Oxygen in submarines is produced by putting sea water through a process of electrolysis. Submarines typically have a couple of big oxygen tanks as well, used to quickly raise oxygen concentration if the system fails.

How long can a submarine stay under water for?

The limits on how long they can stay underwater are food and supplies. Submarines generally stock a 90-day supply of food, so they can spend three months underwater. The diesel-powered submarines (not now used by the United States Navy) had a limit of several days submerged.

How much money does a Navy captain make?

A Captain is a senior officer in the United States Navy at DoD paygrade O-6. A Captain receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $7,332 per month, with raises up to $12,980 per month once they have served for over 30 years.