How many km/h are in a tornado?


How many km/h are in a tornado?

F0 40-72 mph 64-116 km/h 29%
F1 73-112 mph 117-180 km/h 40%
F2 113-157 mph 181-253 km/h 24%
F3 158-206 mph 254-332 km/h 6%

How high does the Fujita Scale go?

The original Fujita scale is named after Dr. Ted Fujita, a University of Chicago severe storms research scientist who came up with the scale in 1971. Dr. Fujita’s scale, which ranges from F0 to F5, is based upon the type and severity of damage the tornado produced.

What is the Fujita Scale range?

The Fujita Scale

F Scale Character Estimated winds
Zero (F0) Weak 40-72 mph
One (F1) Weak 73-112 mph
Two (F2) Strong 113-157 mph
Three (F3) Strong 158-206 mph

How fast is a F5 tornado?

261-318 mph
The Fujita Scale

The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity
F-Scale Number Intensity Phrase Wind Speed
F3 Severe tornado 158-206 mph
F4 Devastating tornado 207-260 mph
F5 Incredible tornado 261-318 mph

What is the wind speed of an EF3 tornado?

between 136 and 165 mph
For example, with the EF Scale, an EF3 tornado will have estimated wind speeds between 136 and 165 mph (218 and 266 kph), whereas with the original F Scale, an F3 tornado has winds estimated between 162-209 mph (254-332 kph).

How fast are tornado winds km h?

A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending between a thundercloud and the ground and can reach speeds of up to 400 km/h in some cases. Most develop in the late afternoon and early evening. In most of Alberta, a wind warning is given for winds expected to reach at least 70 km/h, or gust at least 90 km/h.

What makes a tornado an F5?

An F5 will have wind speeds greater than 261 mph (419 km/h). Some of the deadliest and costliest tornadic events in world history were caused by F5 tornadoes. On the Enhanced Fujita Scale, the tornado damage scale that replaced the Fujita Scale, an F5 tornado is now an EF5 tornado.

What does EF5 mean?

While the F-scale goes from F0 to F12 in theory, the EF-scale is capped at EF5, which is defined as “winds ≥200 mph (320 km/h)”. In the United States, the Enhanced Fujita scale went into effect on February 2, 2007, for tornado damage assessments and the Fujita scale is no longer used.