How far is it from Larnaca International Airport to Nicosia?


How far is it from Larnaca International Airport to Nicosia?

Nicosia is around 50 km away from Larnaca Airport. Assuming that there is little to no traffic, the usual journey time is around 30 minutes.

How far is Nicosia from the airport?

The nearest airport to Nicosia is Ercan (ECN) Airport which is 12.8 km away. Other nearby airports include Larnaca (LCA) (40.4 km) and Paphos (PFO) (95 km). How long does it take to get to Nicosia from the Airport? It takes 52 min to get from Nicosia to Ercan (ECN) Airport.

How far is Larnaca from Nicosia by car?

The distance between Larnaca and Nicosia is 37 km. The road distance is 54.8 km.

Is Larnaca Airport big?

Larnaca International Airport is Cyprus’ main international gateway and the larger of the two commercial airports in the area controlled by the Republic of Cyprus, the other being Paphos International Airport on the island’s southwestern coast….Statistics.

Number of passengers Percentage change
2021 3,592,011 113,4%

Is there a bus from Larnaca to Nicosia?

Direct routes for travel from Larnaca to Nicosia Bus services operate 15 direct buses per day and 105 direct buses per week from Larnaca to Nicosia. The journey takes around 1 hour and ticket price starts at 2 USD.

Does Nicosia have an airport?

The airport site is now mainly used as the headquarters of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus….Nicosia International Airport.

Nicosia International Airport Διεθνές Αεροδρόμιο Λευκωσίας Lefkoşa Uluslararası Havaalanı
Airport type Military (and formerly: joint Civil)
Owner British Ministry of Defence

Why did Nicosia airport close?

Within days of the coup d’etat, Turkey invaded Cyprus, and the airport was severely damaged in a bombing campaign. A demilitarised zone was drawn and Nicosia airport wound up right in the middle of it, which led to it being suddenly abandoned.

What is the largest airport in Cyprus?

Larnaca International Airport
The biggest airports in Cyprus

IATA Name Airlines
LCA Larnaca International Airport 49
PFO Paphos International Airport 13
ECN Ercan International Airport 4

Is Cyprus expensive?

Budget travel in Cyprus is nearly impossible. It’s not that the country is particularly expensive – it’s more than the Balkans but cheaper than the Nordic countries. No, Cyprus just makes it really difficult to enjoy the country if you’re not rich and looking for a luxury vacation.

Is Nicosia abandoned?

With the ceasefire signed on 16 August 1974 Nicosia Airport became part of the United Nations controlled Buffer Zone separating the two communities on the island, and it has been inoperable as a fully functioning airport ever since.