How does George and Lennie dream affect them?


How does George and Lennie dream affect them?

For George and Lennie—the two protagonists of the novel—the dream revolves around having a farm of their own. Their dream also helped them not to become lonely and “mean” like the other ranchers out there. Lennie, although being a brotherly figure to George, prevents George from chasing his own dreams.

What is Carlson’s American Dream?

Carlson is a laborer on the ranch where George and Lennie come to work. His main purpose in the novel is his killing of Candy’s dog with a Luger which foreshadows George’s killing of Lennie with the same weapon. If Carlson has a “dream” Steinbeck does not mention it in the book.

Who does George tell about their plan?

George tells the other two not to tell anyone else about their plan. As they hear the other men’s voices approaching, Candy says quietly to George that he should have shot his old dog himself, and not let a stranger do it. Slim, Curley, Carlson, and Whit return.

What is crooks dream and how does it die?

It seems that Crooks’ dreams die because of the racial segregation that isolated people of color from others. Steinbeck uses Crooks to display how the economic challenges experience by Americans during the Great Depression were worse for people of color.

What are crooks weaknesses?

Crooks feels weak because he doesn’t have a buddy, someone to watch out for him or just to pal around with. He is lonely and unprotected. This following quote emphasizes that he is unprotected: “Nigger, I could have you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.”

Why is Candy’s dream important to him?

George and Lennie’s dream was of tremendous importance to Candy because it represented his last hope. Candy is so excited about the possibility of maintaining his freedom and independence that he thinks about it even more than Lennie.

Why does Curley not get Lennie fired for crushing his hand?

Why does Curley agree not to get Lennie fired for crushing his hand? So that he can avoid the embarrassment that he was beaten by Lennie. Slim is the one who warns Curley that if he gets George and Lennie canned everybody will find out about his loss and he will be the laughing stock of the area.

Why did Curley marry?

Curley’s wife married Curley in Of Mice and Men because she felt that marrying Curley was her best option at the time to escape her mother’s oppressive influence, move out of her childhood home, and experience some degree of autonomy.

What are crooks character traits?

Crooks is a lively, sharp-witted, black stable-hand, who takes his name from his crooked back. Like most of the characters in the story, he admits that he is extremely lonely. When Lennie visits him in his room, his reaction reveals this fact.

Why does crooks let Lennie stay?

Why does Crooks allow Lennie to enter his room? Crooks gives into Lennie and lets him enter because he is very lonely and enjoys the company that Lennie brings. Crooks’s character serves as another example of loneliness in the novel. No one wants to talk to him and he is separated because of his race.

What was Curley American dream?

Curley: Curley just wants to be respected by the workers, like Slim. He sees the power that Slim wields and wishes that it was his.

What did Lennie do Curley?

Curley, on the defensive and looking for someone to fight, picks a fight with Lennie and punches him unmercifully. Lennie doesn’t protect himself until George tells him to fight back. When Lennie does, he crushes all the bones in Curley’s hand.

How is crooks treated differently?

Hover for more information. Steinbeck shows that the treatment of Crooks is unfair in Of Mice and Men because he is treated badly due of his race. Crooks is easily dismissed because of his back injury. He tries to be helpful, but he is often seem as not as capable.

What is Carlson’s personality?

After years of working on a ranch and only looking out for himself, Carlson has become mean. He’s a bitter, coarse, ugly man who only thinks about himself and apparently can’t even understand why Candy would hem and haw about shooting the only friend he’s ever had. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

Who ends up stopping Curley and crushing his hand?

Overall, Curley attacks Lennie because his pride has been hurt and he sees Lennie as a defenseless person he can whoop in order to regain his dignity. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned for Curley, who ends up getting his hand crushed by Lennie during the fight.

Did crooks achieve his dream?

Crook’s American Dream is to be treated with the same amount of respect that white people get. Unfortunately, society, his disability and his race all hold him back and Crooks does not achieve his American Dream.

What do crooks glasses symbolize?

Crook’s glasses are gold rimmed, they symbolize his intelligence and mental capabilities, in a world that cares more about braun than brain.