How do you have a difficult performance review conversation?


How do you have a difficult performance review conversation?

Every HR professional and manager has had to have a tough talk with an employee about his or her performance….11 Tips for Talking About Poor Performance

  1. Don’t Delay.
  2. Avoid Chitchat.
  3. Document in Writing.
  4. Provide Examples.
  5. Avoid Focusing on Intent.
  6. Stay Away from ‘Why?
  7. Make No Excuses.

What is the best opening for a difficult conversation?

How to start a difficult conversation

  • Start with ‘I’ Start with something like: I feel, I think, I’ve been told, I’ve observed, I’ve noticed, I’ve heard.
  • The issue. Next you state the issue that has led you to have the conversation.
  • The outcome.
  • The mistake within the mistake.

How do you start a difficult meeting?


  1. Try to start with an honest, positive statement about the other person that conveys respect, even though you may have a serious disagreement.
  2. Do not debate – either aloud, or silently.
  3. Listen with an open mind.
  4. Saving face can help move things forward.
  5. Manage your own emotions, language and behavior.

What is a good deep conversation topic?

Deep Conversation Topics List

  • Where’s your life headed?
  • How do you think you will die?
  • What are the highest and lowest points of your life?
  • What is holding you back from being the person you want to be?
  • How have your strengths help you to succeed?
  • What are your biggest goals for your life?
  • Who are you really?

Why are some conversations difficult?

Difficult conversations are often characterized by emotions such as fear, anger, frustration, conflict, and other strong dividing — not unifying — emotions. The emotion is often pent up and can be released rather strongly. Because emotions can run high on both sides, the conversation may become quite heated.

How do you approach a difficult meeting?

5 steps to help you navigate through difficult conversations

  1. Consider the situation from their perspective. Often, a conversation feels difficult because we’re hung up on our own perspective.
  2. Have a goal in mind, but be flexible.
  3. Work on your listening skills.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. Brainstorm solutions together.

How do you start a tricky conversation?

How to Have Difficult Conversations When You Don’t Like Conflict

  1. Begin from a place of curiosity and respect, and stop worrying about being liked. Conflict avoiders are often worried about their likability.
  2. Focus on what you’re hearing, not what you’re saying.
  3. Be direct.
  4. Don’t put it off.
  5. Expect a positive outcome.