How do you add an optional parameter to a function?


How do you add an optional parameter to a function?

You can assign an optional argument using the assignment operator in a function definition or using the Python **kwargs statement. There are two types of arguments a Python function can accept: positional and optional. Optional arguments are values that do not need to be specified for a function to be called.

Can parameters be optional?

By definition, an Optional Parameter is a handy feature that enables programmers to pass less number of parameters to a function and assign a default value.

What is VBA optional?

VBA Procedure Calls Optional Arguments The Optional keyword indicates that this argument can be omitted. As mentioned before – any optional arguments introduced in the header must appear at the end, after any required arguments. In this function, if the argument for c isn’t supplied it’s value will default to “C” .

How do you document optional parameters?

To indicate optional arguments, Square brackets are commonly used, and can also be used to group parameters that must be specified together. To indicate required arguments, Angled brackets are commonly used, following the same grouping conventions as square brackets.

When adding optional parameters in a parameter list what is a valid requirement?

When adding optional parameters in a parameter list, what is a valid requirement? The parameters must appear to the right of all mandatory parameters.

What does optional arguments mean in Excel function?

In Excel, optional arguments are denoted with square brackets. For example, the fourth argument in VLOOKUP function, range_lookup, is optional and appears in square brackets as shown above.

When should I use optional?

By the way, here is how Optional is described in the Java SE 11 documentation: “ Optional is primarily intended for use as a method return type where there is a clear need to represent ‘no result,’ and where using null is likely to cause errors.