How do I import music to SmartMusic?


How do I import music to SmartMusic?

To import an MP3, click on the MP3 Audio Files menu on the left side of the SmartMusic screen.

  1. The MP3 Audio Files window opens.
  2. Locate your MP3 and select it by double clicking on the file name or clicking the Open button.
  3. A window appears to let you know that your file was successfully imported Click OK.

How do I Unsubmit an assignment on Smartmusic?

The Editing An Existing Assignment dialog box appears. Select Cancel to return to the Platform & Classes page. Select Delete Assignment to continue the process. The Delete Assignment dialog box appears.

How do I get SmartMusic?

To enroll in a class

  1. Enter the class enrollment link into the Safari app.
  2. Tap Next.
  3. If you’ve used classic SmartMusic in the past, type your email address or username, your password, and then tap Log In.
  4. After you’ve created your account or logged in to your existing account, class enrollment information appears.

Can you download music from SmartMusic?

SmartMusic playlists can be exported from one computer and imported onto another that has SmartMusic installed. All the repertoire in the playlist will automatically open or download to your computer. The only exceptions are MP3 files and Finale created SmartMusic files (SMP).

Is there an app for SmartMusic?

While we can’t guarantee comfortable temperatures or the gentle breeze, we have made it easy to review and comment on your students’ work wherever you choose to be: The SmartMusic Inbox app is free for all current SmartMusic subscribers and is available now for Android and Apple smart phones, as well as Apple’s iPad …

How do I verify my email on SmartMusic?

Jon Cielinski Once you have created a new SmartMusic account, we will verify your email address by sending you an email. Simply click the Confirm your email. button in the email to continue.

Who created SmartMusic?

Gear Fisher

How do I Unenroll from a SmartMusic class?

Remove a Student from a class,

  1. Log into and select Classes. The Classes page appears. Select. to view a list of active students.
  2. Select. in the row of the Student you would like to remove.

How do you change instruments in SmartMusic?

To assign instruments for SmartMusic accompaniment using MIDI playback

  1. Choose MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through MIDI.
  2. Choose MIDI/Audio > Device Setup > MIDI Setup.
  3. For MIDI Out Device , choose SmartMusic SoftSynth and click OK.
  4. Choose MIDI/Audio > Reassign Playback Sounds.
  5. Choose Window > Score Manager.

How do I print a sheet from SmartMusic?

You can resize the music under the Display tab. Click either the SmartMusic Display or Custom Display button to generate a document to print.

Do you have to be 13 to use SmartMusic?

The new web-based SmartMusic service does not allow students who report themselves as under the age of 13 to create an account without consent from a parent/legal guardian; it is a violation of this Agreement for children to create an account by misrepresenting their age.

How do I create a class in SmartMusic?

To create a class, log into and select Classes. The Classes page appears. Select Create a Class. The Create Your Class page appears.