How do I get user meta in WordPress?


How do I get user meta in WordPress?

$user_info = get_user_meta($current_user->ID); var_dump($user_info); You can change the USERID to anything, currently this is setup to display the ID of the logged in user.

What is meta field in WordPress?

Share. Custom fields, also referred to as post meta, is a feature in WordPress which allows users to add additional information when writing a post. WordPress stores this information as meta data. Users can display this meta data by using template tags in their WordPress themes.

How do I find the author image in WordPress?

Now you can visit your website to see the plugin in action. It will start showing local avatar as author photo for the articles. If a user does not add an author photo, then it will show their gravatar image. If a user doesn’t have an author photo or gravatar image, then it will fallback to the default gravatar image.

What is a custom field?

Custom fields are a means for storing and representing contact data. While users typically use tags to further segment their contact lists, users employ custom fields to get even more granular than tags. Custom fields store data that is permanent and unique to each contact.

How do you write about an author?

Here’s how to write an author bio:

  1. Author bio formatting.
  2. Know your readers.
  3. Include your background.
  4. Stay factual in your author bio.
  5. Use your personality in your author bio.
  6. Include awards and such.
  7. Get personal.
  8. Learn from author bio examples.

How do I find the author name by post ID in WordPress?

If you want it outside of loop then use the below code.

  1. display_name.
  2. user_login.
  3. user_status.
  4. user_url.

How do I find my author iD?

php $author_id=$post->post_author; ?> it will give you current author id. or this one will helps you more: global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $args = array( ‘author’ => $current_user->ID, // I could also use $user_ID, right? ); // get his posts ‘ASC’ $current_user_posts = get_posts( $args );

What is an Author ID?

Author identifiers are meant to help with author name disambiguation. Publishing under variations of your name, having a common name, changing your name, changing institutions – all of these can lead to your work being incorrectly associated with another author, or you can end up with several author profiles.

How do I show custom fields in WordPress?

Simply create or edit an existing post / page, and then click on the ‘Screen Options’ button at the top right corner of the screen. This will show you a menu with several options that you can show or hide on your post edit screen. Go ahead and click on the checkbox next to ‘Custom Fields’ option.

How do I display ACF fields?

To retrieve a field value as a variable, use the get_field() function. This is the most versatile function which will always return a value for any type of field. To display a field, use the the_field() in a similar fashion.

How do I display custom fields?

The default way to show custom fields in WordPress would be to:

  1. Open the single. php file or page.
  2. Find the_content function so you can list your custom field data after the actual content of the post or page.
  3. Use the get_post_meta function to fetch custom field values using their meta key then list them using PHP echo.

How do I create an ACF image field?

Customized display (array) php $image = get_field(‘image’); if( $image ): // Image variables. $url = $image[‘url’]; $title = $image[‘title’]; $alt = $image[‘alt’]; $caption = $image[‘caption’]; // Thumbnail size attributes. $size = ‘thumbnail’; $thumb = $image[‘sizes’][ $size ]; $width = $image[‘sizes’][ $size .

How do I know my Scopus iD?

A search can be conducted for all of your publications by title and locate the title. Then, by clicking your name, your Scopus author profile will be shown. A search can be conducted by your last name and first name. Then, select your name from the author result list in order to reach your Scopus author profile.

What is User Meta in WordPress?

Here’s the simplest definition: User meta is “custom fields for your users.” In other words, just as WordPress post meta—also called custom fields—lets you add any information you want to about your posts, WordPress user meta lets you add any information you want to about your users.

How do I find the author URL in WordPress?

get_author_posts_url( int $author_id, string $author_nicename = ” ) Retrieve the URL to the author page for the user with the ID provided.

What is a Dai number?

In the Dutch research system, the Digital Author Identifier (DAI) system assigns a unique number to all academic authors as a form of authority control. The Digital Author Identifier is a unique national number for every author active within a Dutch university, university of applied sciences, or research institute.

How do you write an author’s biography for a new author?

First Time Publishing? Here’s What to Include in Your Author Bio

  1. Keep it brief.
  2. Use a third-person voice.
  3. Start with a one-liner.
  4. Sell yourself.
  5. List achievements sparingly.
  6. Include some personal tidbits.
  7. Use a professional photo.

How do I create a custom field in Word?

Inserting custom document property fields

  1. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon and then click Quick Parts in the Text group.
  2. Select Field.
  3. In the list of Field names on the left, select DocProperty.
  4. Under Field properties, select a property name.
  5. To view the codes for a field in the Field box, click Field Codes.

What is meta value WordPress?

The value is the information that will appear in the meta-data list on each individual post that the information is associated with. In simpler terms, WordPress allows us to write custom information to the database, associate it with any post we’d like, and then retrieve it as needed.

What should be included in about the author?

About the Author Bio

  • Professional background.
  • Education.
  • Current business or profession.
  • Achievements or awards.
  • Previous publishing experience.
  • Personal details (family, city of residence, personal interests, etc.)
  • Contact information (you want readers to reach out to you, right?

How do I get meta field values in WordPress?

To confirm, try the following: $post_id = get_the_ID(); $current_rank = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘current_rank’, true); echo ‘Post ID is: ‘ . $post_id; echo ‘ Current Rank is: ‘ .

How do I find the author’s bio in WordPress?

On the profile edit screen, you need to scroll down to ‘Contact Info’ section. From here you can add links to the author’s social media profiles. The plugin will only show icons for social networks where you enter a URL. After that, you can scroll down to the ‘Biographical Info’ section to add the author’s bio.

How do I use ACF in WordPress?

Advanced Custom Fields is installed like any other plugin. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for Advanced Custom Fields, then press enter. The plugin should show up on first place and you can get it onto your site via Install Now. When the installation is done, don’t forget to activate.

How do I get ACF repeater field?

The Repeater Field can be installed by purchasing a license for ACF PRO. On payment, you will receive a receipt from ACF and a user account allowing access to your downloads. Once ACF PRO is installed, enter your license key to enable plugin updates.

How do I contact ACF fields?

the_field($selector, [$post_id], [$format_value]);

  1. $selector (string) (Required) The field name or field key.
  2. $post_id (mixed) (Optional) The post ID where the value is saved. Defaults to the current post.
  3. $format_value (bool) (Optional) Whether to apply formatting logic. Defaults to true.

How do I find user details in WordPress?

But wp_get_current_user() allows you at the same time to get current user email $current_user->user_email , first name $current_user->first_name , last name $current_user->last_name , username $current_user->user_login and display name $current_user->display_name .

How do I create a custom field value in WordPress post?

Adding Custom Fields in WordPress First, you need to edit the post or page where you want to add the custom field and go to the custom fields meta box. Next, you need to provide a name for your custom field and then enter its value. Click on the Add Custom Field button to save it.

How do I find my display name in WordPress?

When the user object is created you can simply obtain the display name from it as follows: // Get display name from user object $display_name = $user->display_name; PHP. Users.