How do I create a PivotTable in Excel VBA?


How do I create a PivotTable in Excel VBA?

The Simple 8 Steps to Write a Macro Code in VBA to Create a Pivot Table in Excel

  1. ‘Declare Variables. Dim PSheet As Worksheet.
  2. ‘Declare Variables. On Error Resume Next.
  3. ‘Define Data Range.
  4. ‘Define Pivot Cache.
  5. ‘Insert Blank Pivot Table.
  6. ‘Insert Row Fields.
  7. ‘Insert Data Field.
  8. ‘Format Pivot.

How do you create a PivotTable in Excel 2003?

Create a Pivot Table in Excel 2003

  1. Select a cell in the database.
  2. Choose Data>PivotTable and PivotChart Report.
  3. Select ‘Microsoft Excel List or Database’, click Next.
  4. For the range, type your range name, e.g. Database.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click the Layout button.
  7. Drag field buttons to the row, column and data areas.

How do I create a PivotTable in old Excel?

Under the Data menu, select “PivotTable and PivotChart Report”. A PivotTable wizard should appear. Make sure that the “Microsoft Excel list or database” and “PivotTable” options are chosen. Click on the Next button.

What is PivotTable in VBA?

Excel VBA Pivot Table. Pivot Tables are the heart of summarizing the report of a large amount of data. We can also automate the process of creating a pivot table through VBA coding.

How do I create a dynamic pivot table in VBA?

Use Dynamic Ranges in Pivot Tables

  1. Select a cell in the database.
  2. Choose Data | PivotTable and PivotChart Report.
  3. Select ‘Microsoft Excel List or Database’, click Next.
  4. For the range, type myData , then click Next.
  5. Click the Layout button.
  6. Drag field buttons to the row, column and data areas.
  7. Click OK, then click Finish.

What should you remove before making a PivotTable?

8 Steps to Prepare Excel Data for PivotTables

  1. Give each column in your dataset a unique heading.
  2. Assign the category for each column such as currency or date.
  3. Do not use any totals, averages, subtotals, etc.
  4. Remove all blank cells from the data.
  5. Remove duplicated data.
  6. Remove all filters from the data.

How do I automate a pivot table?

Automate PivotTable Creation

  1. Select cell A1 (your heading) and select Insert → Pivot Table (pre-2007, Data → Pivot Table Report).
  2. Ensure that you have selected NewWorksheet as the placement for the Pivot table, and click OK.
  3. Now drag the First Name field to the Row labels area.

How do I change the range of a pivot table in VBA?

  1. lstcol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column. Using these two numbers we define the source_data.
  2. Set source_data = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lstrow, lstcol))
  3. Set pc = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, SourceData:=source_data)
  4. Set pt = Sheet2.PivotTables(“PivotTable1”)
  5. pt.ChangePivotCache pc.

Does macro work on pivot table?

When we consistently deal with the same Pivot Table format, we can use Macros to record that exact format so that we can create and edit our Pivot Tables in a lesser time.

How do I add a pivot table in Excel?

Open your pivot table Excel document. Double-click the Excel document that contains your pivot table.

  • Go to the spreadsheet page that contains your data. Click the tab that contains your data (e.g.,Sheet 2) at the bottom of the Excel window.
  • Add or change your data.
  • Go back to the pivot table tab.
  • Select your pivot table.
  • Click the Analyze tab.
  • How to set pivot table range in VBA?

    – The VBA Guide To Excel Pivot Tables – Dynamically Change Every Pivot Table Data Source Range Inside A Workbook – Quickly Change Pivot Table Field Calculation From Count To Sum

    How to create a calculated item in Excel pivot table?

    Create the calculated field in the pivot table. A calculated field is a column generated by the data in the pivot table. For this example, we will use the sales and profit data for the eleven items during the 4 th quarter of the year. From this, we have the pivot table Sum of Sales and Profits for the Items. To add the profit margin for each item:

    How do you make a pivot graph in Excel?

    Place a cursor inside the pivot table.

  • Go to Option and select Insert Slicer.
  • It will show you the options dialogue box. Select for which field you need a slicer.
  • After selecting the option,you will see the actual slicer visual in your worksheet.
  • Now,you can control both table and chart from the SLICERS itself.