How did Janie die?


How did Janie die?

Bell’s passing remark that “Janie is probably dying from Tea Cake’s biting her” (127), Bauer contends that “Janie will die from the bite which she received from Tea Cake” (397).

What does hair symbolize?

Hair symbolizes physical strength and virility; the virtues and properties of a person are said to be concentrated in his hair and nails. It is a symbol of instinct, of female seduction and physical attraction. Hair flowing depicts freedom and looseness; the unwilling removal of hair may be a castration symbol.

How much older is tea cake than Janie?

Tea Cake is fifteen years younger than Janie, and is poor with not much to offer Janie. Many people (including Janie at first) worry that he is just after her money. However we soon find out that this is not the case.

Did Janie die at the end of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Through her relationship and time with Tea Cake, Janie found herself, and she is strong now, even without him. Realizing that she has finally reached her “horizon” and can be at peace, she is content. The story does not indicate that Janie has died. mwestwood, M.A.

What Joe buys Janie?

What does Joe buy for Janie as they are traveling to Eatonville? Joe bought Janie some apples and a candy dish that looked like a lantern. Describe the town as it is when Joe and Janie first arrive. When Janie and Joe first come to Eatonville, they are surprised and find it hardly a town at all.

How does Janie define love?

By the end of the book, Janie would describe love as joy, peace and happiness with another person. She would describe the relationship she had with Tea Cake as love. Love is placing the need of someone else before your own. Janie did not have that with Logan Killicks nor Joe Starks.

What things about Janie make Joe jealous?

The long dark hair that was beribboned for the schoolgirl Janie becomes an item of jealousy for Joe. He makes Janie hide her hair under headrags while she works in the store because he is afraid that some other man might touch it or admire it.

What did Janie learn from Joe?

Janie learned from her marriage to Jody Starks that she needs to think about her happiness and that a married couple should see each other as equals. Janie fell in love with Jody because of his big plans and his success. 86) Janie knew that Jody never treated her as an equal and she did not love him because of it.

What happened in Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Their Eyes Were Watching God concludes with Janie’s self-actualization and hope for her own future. Janie finishes recounting her story to Pheoby—just as she promised she would do in the beginning—before settling into her bedroom and reflecting on Tea Cake’s death.

How does Janie feel about Joe Starks?

Though Janie initially admires these attributes in Joe, she quickly finds that too much of this good thing can quickly become stifling and pretentious. At first, Janie only knows that Joe values her. But, as she realizes that Joe values her as a possession rather than as a human being, she becomes emotionally distant.

Should Janie Trust tea cake?

Do you think Janie is foolish to trust Tea Cake? Explain. Yes, but no, because he seems to be a very good guy, but everyone in the town basically tells her that he has no money, therefore, it seems as if he would be going after her for her money.

What is the age difference between Janie and Tea Cake?

They argue for a little while about their age difference. Tea Cake is around 25 and Janie is around 40. She thinks that she is too old for him, but he doesn’t care.

Why is Janie’s insult particularly offensive to Joe?

Why is Janie’s insult particularly offensive to Joe? It made Jody feel amateurish by seeing his power and reputation ruined to the point that everyone in the store laughs at him that makes himself lash out in a blind rage by fiercely hitting Janie and driving her from the store.

Why Was Their Eyes Were Watching God banned?

1997 – Virginia – Challenged for sexual explicitness, but retained on the Stonewall Jackson High School’s academically advanced reading list in Brentsville. A parent objected to the novel’s language and sexual explicitness.

What is the main idea of Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Love and Relationships versus Independence Their Eyes Were Watching God is the story of how Janie achieves a strong sense of self and comes to appreciate her independence. But her journey toward enlightenment is not undertaken alone.