How can you promote reproductive health?


How can you promote reproductive health?

Information and Services

  1. Offer age-appropriate comprehensive sex education.
  2. Use mass media.
  3. Provide adolescent-friendly contraceptive services.
  4. Expand access to and promotion of the use of condoms and other contraceptives.
  5. Implement programs for out-of-school and married adolescents.

What vitamins help to get pregnant?

We’ve broken down some of the most popular supplements for fertility, with the deets on their use, effectiveness, and dosage.

  1. Acetyl L-carnitine. Who it’s for: Men and women.
  2. B vitamins (other than folic acid) Who they’re for: Women and men.
  3. Vitamin C. Who it’s for: Men.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Coenzyme Q10.
  6. Vitamin D.
  7. Vitamin E.
  8. Folic acid.

Why is maternal and child health important?

Overview. Improving the well-being of mothers, infants, and children is an important public health goal for the United States. Their well-being determines the health of the next generation and can help predict future public health challenges for families, communities, and the health care system.

What is adolescent and reproductive health?

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health refers to the physical and emotional wellbeing of adolescents and includes their ability to remain free from unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STIs (including HIV/AIDS), and all forms of sexual violence and coercion.

What is reproductive health education?

Reproductive health education, including messages to encourage abstinence and promote the use of condoms and contraceptives by those who are sexually active, is the front line of efforts to prevent pregnancy, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among America’s adolescents.

Which vitamin keeps reproductive system healthy?

Vitamin E is known as important antioxidant to protect the reproductive system. The free radicals are continuously produced in last few years due to metabolic and nutritional deficiencies.

What is mother and child health care?

The maternal and child health services provides universal access to its services for children from birth to school age and their families. 2. The maternal and child health services promotes optimal health and development outcomes for children from birth to school age through a focus on the child, mother and family.

Which name is family planning currently known as?

We are not speaking about family planning, but contraception information and services. Let it be called by name: contraception.

What are the 8 components of reproductive health?


  • Reproductive health.
  • Adolescent health.
  • Maternal health.
  • Contraception.
  • Sexually transmitted infection.
  • Abortion.
  • Female genital mutilation.
  • Child and forced marriage.

What are the three components of maternal healthcare?

Excerpts were categorized according to three main components of the maternal healthcare delivery system: skill birth attendant (SBA), enabling environment (EE) and referral system (RS). Most of the shortcomings identified were grouped under SBA.

What are the major areas of reproductive health?

The five core aspects of reproductive and sexual health are: improving ante- natal, perinatal, postpartum and newborn care; providing high-quality ser- vices for family planning, including infertility services; eliminating unsafe abortion; combating sexually transmitted infections including HIV, repro- ductive tract …

What vitamins is good for sperm?

There’s also some evidence that vitamin C supplements may improve semen quality. A study in infertile men showed that taking 1,000-mg vitamin C supplements twice a day for up to 2 months increased sperm motility by 92% and sperm count by more than 100%.

How can you prevent reproductive diseases?

Keeping the Reproductive System Healthy

  1. Eat a balanced diet that is high in fiber and low in fat.
  2. Drink plenty of water.
  3. Get regular exercise.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Get enough sleep.
  6. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
  7. Manage stress in healthy ways.

What are the most common health problems of an adolescent?

Main health issues

  • Injuries. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among adolescents.
  • Violence.
  • Mental health.
  • Alcohol and drug use.
  • Tobacco use.
  • Other infectious diseases.
  • Early pregnancy and childbirth.

What problem in reproductive health care require doctors help?

11. What problems in reproductive health care require doctor’s help?

  • STDs.
  • Conception, parturition and abortion.
  • Contraception, infertility, menstruation problem.
  • All.

What foods help reproductive health?

10 Foods That Will Increase Fertility and Libido in Women

  • Seaweed. Seaweed is packed with nutrients that help enrich the liver, kidneys, bladder, and adrenals which are organs vital to fertility health.
  • Salmon. Salmon is full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are proven to regulate blood flow to the reproductive organs.
  • Figs.
  • Oysters.
  • Berries.
  • Beans.
  • Leafy Greens.
  • Maca Root.

Can I take vitamin E and folic acid together?

Some fertility supplements may interact with other medications that a person is taking. For example, folic acid may interact with some drugs for seizures or parasitic infections, while taking vitamin E alongside certain blood thinners, weight-loss drugs, and bile acid sequestrants may cause adverse effects.

What are the responsibilities of society towards reproductive health?

These include fostering healthy and responsible behaviours; promoting equitable and mutually respectful and responsible gender relations; increasing reproductive choice especially for women; increasing male responsibility in reproductive health; meeting the information, education and service needs of women and …

Why is it important to practice good reproductive health habits?

It’s also important for reproduction. If the reproductive system isn’t healthy, a person may be unable to have children. Many health problems can affect the reproductive system. They include sexually transmitted infections and cancers.

What are the factors affecting reproductive health?

Many lifestyle factors such as the age at which to start a family, nutrition, weight, exercise, psychological stress, environmental and occupational exposures, and others can have substantial effects on fertility; lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking, illicit drug use, and alcohol and caffeine consumption can …

What are examples of reproductive health?

Common Reproductive Health Concerns for Women

  • Endometriosis.
  • Uterine Fibroids.
  • Gynecologic Cancer.
  • Interstitial Cystitis.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Resources.

What happens when we do not take care of your reproductive health?

Infertility or reduced fertility (difficulty getting pregnant). Menstrual problems including heavy or irregular bleeding. Polycystic ovary syndrome, ovaries produce more male hormones than normal. Problems during pregnancy.

What are reproductive health needs?

Reproductive health care strategies to meet women’s multiple needs include education for responsible and healthy sexuality, safe and appropriate contraception, and services for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, delivery, and abortion.

What are the problems and strategies of reproductive health?

The common problems or concerns associated with the reproductive health are :

  • Deformities.
  • Overpopulation.
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  • Ill health of both mother and her baby.
  • Early marriages before attaining the puberty.
  • An increased mortality rate of both mother and Infants.