Can someone see on Facebook if you watch their video?


Can someone see on Facebook if you watch their video?

Your watch history is never visible to others on Facebook. However, if you take a specific action related to a video or a Page (example: liking a video), that action may be visible to people on Facebook.

How do I stop the public from seeing my timeline on Facebook?

Make Your Timeline Private The first step to Facebook privacy is making your profile, or Timeline, private. To do this, go to Privacy Settings > How You Connect and change the settings for “Who can post on your timeline?” and “Who can see posts by others on your timeline?” from “Public” to “Friends.”

Can anyone see my Facebook timeline?

By default, your Facebook Timeline and all of your information is public. But if you’re willing to navigate through Facebook’s maze of privacy settings, you can hide almost all of your Timeline to everyone but your friends. The only thing you can’t hide is your Facebook name and profile picture.

How can I hide all posts from everyone 2022 on Facebook?

Go to Settings and Privacy, select Privacy in the left-hand pane, and click on Limit Past Posts. This option automatically hides all your public posts from the Public and sets them to Friends only.

Who can see posts on my timeline?

To do this, go to your Privacy Settings page, then select “Edit Settings” next to “How You Connect.” Select the drop-down menu next to the last item—”Who can see posts by others on your timeline?” and choose “Custom.”

What is a Facebook timeline?

The section on Facebook where members post their latest comments. The Timeline superseded the “Wall” format for business Pages; however, the Wall is still used by many individuals for their Profiles. Postings on the Timeline/Wall are in chronological order like a blog.

Will someone know if I watched their live video on Facebook after it has ended 2021?

Unless you comment, like, share or post it on your timeline, there is no way of knowing you have watched a live video after it has ended.