Did George do the right thing by shooting Lennie?


Did George do the right thing by shooting Lennie?

George did the right thing when he shot Lennie because Lennie did not understand what he had done wrong, and he would have been attacked by the other men in the worst case and arrested in the best case. Lennie was a mentally impaired man who was very big, and did not know his strength.

Who realizes what really happened between George and Lennie?

Slim suggests that having him arrested would not be the best solution for Lennie’s well-being. Therefore, when he finds George next to Lennie’s dead body, he understands exactly what had transpired.

What difficulties do George and Lennie have?

Since Lennie has such a poor memory, it complicates their situation; George has to continuously remind him of what to do and what not to do so that they can stay out of trouble. It is tragic and tough that at the end of the novel Lennie forgets one particular incident when they were in desperate trouble.

How does George describe life without Lennie?

What does George say his life would be like without Lennie? He’d be lonely and have no one to share his dreams with. He’d have a girlfriend and no worries and his life would be much easier. He’d give up ranching and become a sheriff.

What impact does Lennie and George’s entrance?

1. What impact does Lennie and George’s entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described? It’s not as quiet or peaceful, Lennie always has something to say or ask because he forgets, and George is always complaining about Lennie and him always forgetting and wanting things they don’t have.

What does Lennie do that foreshadows danger?

From the beginning of the novella, Steinbeck foreshadows that Lennie will accidentally kill Curley’s wife while trying to stroke her hair. Later, Lennie accidentally kills his puppy while petting it.

How did George explain Lennie’s disability to the boss?

George lies and tells the boss that Lennie is his cousin, and that they left the job in Weed because it was done. George tells the boss that Lennie is not smart, but does not tell him he’s mentally challenged. He assumes that since George seems to be in control, he is taking advantage of Lennie.

Why did George lie about killing Lennie?

George has lied about the Luger because he has taken it; he does not want to admit this act as the men will believe he is involved in Curley’s wife’s death and hurt him, too, and he will not be able to accompany the men and intercede for Lennie when they find him, or to take action on his own.