Why does Aunt Alexandra scold Atticus for saying in front of Calpurnia?


Why does Aunt Alexandra scold Atticus for saying in front of Calpurnia?

Aunt Alexandra doesn’t think Atticus should talk about the way white people talk about Negroes with Calpurnia in the room. She is referring to the Negroes. She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to give them something to talk about. She’s afraid that Calpurnia will spread rumors in the Black community.

What significant about the clothes Aunt Alexandra retrieve Scout?

28.3 What’s significant about the clothing that Aunt Alexandra hands to Scout when she arrives home? They are basically dresses, which she hopes will feminize Scout. To be a “proper” Southern girl.

How does Aunt Alexandra get involved in Maycomb’s social life?

How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb’s social life? She joins every club possible and invites the women over to the house. Comment on Aunt Alexandra’s ideas about breeding and family. For example, if one person drinks, the whole family is full of drunks.

Who helped Atticus guard Tom at the jailhouse?

To Kill a Mockingbird FINAL TEST

Who writes left-handed? Bob Ewell
Whose picture appeared in the Montgomery Advertiser? Atticus
Who helped Atticus guard Tom Robinson at the jailhouse? Mr. Underwood
Who saved Jem’s pants? Boo Radley/ Arthur Radley Jr
What did Scout and Jem receive for Christmas? air rifles

What does aunt Alexandra want to teach scout in Chapter 13?

Aunt Alexandra wants Jem and Scout to understand their history and be proud, but they have a hard time listening to all of this from someone they don’t necessarily respect.

What color Buick does aunt Alexandra own?

bright green

Why was Aunt Alexandra not in the movie?

Aunt Alexandra isn’t present in the movie at all, so the issue of Scout “acting like a lady” never plays a major role in the film. For instance, the actress who plays Miss Maudie is thin, much younger, and more conventional than Scout describes in the book, which takes some of the bite out of the character.

What are some quotes from Aunt Alexandra in To Kill a Mockingbird?

140 ‘Put my bag in the front bedroom, Calpurnia.’ was the first thing Aunt Alexandra said. ‘Jean louise, stop scratching your head.’ was the second thing she said.
250 Atticus said one time the reason Aunty’s so hipped on the family is because all we’ve got’s background and not a dime to our names (Jem)

How did Mr Underwood change in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Underwood simply figured it was a sin to kill cripples, be they standing, sitting, or escaping. He likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children. Again, we have the theme of “It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” spelled out before our eyes.

What does aunt Alexandra say to scout?

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Aunt Alexandra tells Scout Finch to act like a lady and wear a dress so she can “be a ray of sunshine in [her] father’s lonely life.” Scout does not respond positively: she retorts that she can “be a ray of sunshine in pants just as well” (89).

Why does Scout cry when they talk to Atticus?

It appears that he is saying it only because Aunt Alexandra demanded that he do so. what makes scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem? She is upset because Atticus is not acting like himself and is telling them things he does not believe in: “This was not my father. My father never thought these thoughts.

Who has a shotgun pointed at the jail?

As Atticus protects jailed Tom Robinson from an mob of vigilantes, Mr. Underwood, the owner of the Maycomb newspaper, is positioned from a second-story window with a double-barreled shotgun pointed at the angry men.

How does Atticus show affection towards Jem?

After the mob leaves, Scout observes Atticus massaging Jem’s hair, which is “a gesture of affection.” (Lee 207) Jem stayed by his father’s side out of love, and Atticus respects his son’s decision to “do the right thing.” Jem’s instinct to not leave his father was greater than Atticus’ instructions to “go home.” This …

How does Aunt Alexandra influence Scout?

Aunt Alexandra does her best to convert Scout from her boyish ways and enforces ladylike behavior and attire. She also impresses upon Scout the importance of family breeding and the status of the Finch family in Maycomb County.

Does Aunt Alexandra gossip?

In addition to that, she did not have the right to gossip about anything that Atticus told her in secrecy. “’Oh, Mrs. Perkins,’ [Aunt Alexandra] said, ‘you need some more coffee. After she heard that Tom Robinson had been shot, Aunt Alexandra went back to the meeting and acted like nothing had happened.

How was Aunt Alexandra welcomed into town?

When Aunt Alexandra arrives in Maycomb, ostensibly to take care of Jem and Scout during Atticus’ involvement with the Tom Robinson case, she immediately settles in “as if she had always lived with us… Maycomb welcomed her.” She left her husband, Jimmy, behind at Finch’s Landing, allowing her plenty of time to …